Fly-tipping UK:  Is your city among the worst?

Digital Products

Dumping rubbish and trash. Image by Tim Sandle

Durham leads as the city with the highest number of fly-tipping incidents per 10,000 people in the UK. Overall, the northern region of England secures the top five positions on the list.

London comes as the English city with the lowest incidence of illegal waste dumping.

Fly-tipping is defined in the law as the ‘illegal deposit of any waste onto land that does not have a licence to accept it’.

A recent study conducted by the research team at Cartridge Save has revealed the English cities dumping the most rubbish illegally. The results have been presented to Digital Journal.

Fly-tipping, the illegal dumping of rubbish, has become a growing problem across the country, damaging the environment and putting public health at risk.

For the assessment, Cartridge Save analysed the total number of fly-tipping incidents across more than 100 cities in England. They then calculated the number of incidents per 10,000 people in each city to compile a final list of the English cities with the highest rates of illegal dumping.

The study reveals that Durham has the worst fly-tipping problem in the country, with 1,129 incidents per 10,000 people. Despite its fame for beautiful countryside and rural charm, Durham is at the wrong end of this worrying trend. 

Lancaster, a city surrounded by stunning countryside, comes in second on the list with 709 fly-tipping incidents per 10,000 residents. Despite its beautiful surroundings, the city faces challenges in tackling fly-tipping. 

Rotherham, where the River Don and River Rother converge, also faces a bit of a fly-tipping problem. With over 700 incidents per 10,000 people, keeping the town clean is a real struggle.

Barnsley ranks fourth in for fly-tipping incidents, with 637 incidents per 10,000 people. The town’s industrial heritage means there’s a clear challenge in waste management. More needs to be done to encourage residents to value a clean environment, perhaps by highlighting how much they can enjoy Barnsley’s green spaces. 

Rounding out the top five fly-tipping hotspots in England is Newcastle upon Tyne. This vibrant city, steeped in history and boasting iconic landmarks, has a surprising problem with 604 incidents per 10,000 residents. 

To address these issues, clearer government policies, responsible business practices, and individual accountability are all essential. 

The top 10 list of cities and towns alongside the total fly-tipping incidents, and incidents per 10,000 people shows: 

RankCityTotal IncidentsTotal Incidents per 10K people
5Newcastle upon Tyne17,315604

At the other end of the scale, the best cities were found to be: London, Plymouth, Worcester, Gosport and Brighton.

Dr. Tim Sandle is Digital Journal’s Editor-at-Large for science news.
Tim specializes in science, technology, environmental, business, and health journalism. He is additionally a practising microbiologist; and an author. He is also interested in history, politics and current affairs.

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“Fly-tipping, the illegal dumping of rubbish, has become a growing problem across the country, damaging the environment and putting public health at risk. The post Fly-tipping UK:  Is your city…”

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