For one week only, get Father of Mine ebook for 99 cents

If you’re planning on buying the Father of Mine ebook today, don’t.

As of Monday, the price temporarily plummets to 99 cents.

Consider it a tax day and/or pre-draft and/or one-year anniversary of book release promotion. Regardless, as of Monday it will be only 99 cents for the 400-page ebook.

It’s a one-week promotion. On Monday, April 22, the price returns to $3.99, which is also quite a bargain.

Click here for the Amazon page. At 8:00 a.m. ET on Monday, the price will drop to 99 cents.

Father of Mine is a novel about the mob. It’s set in 1973. It’s inspired by the real-life crew that ran the town where I grew up — Wheeling, West Virginia. My dad was a bookie in that group, so I saw and heard plenty of things during my formative years. I’ve learned a lot more since then. It was all used as the basis and background for a completely fictional story.

It has been well reviewed, to my surprise. It has been well received, to my amazement. A sequel is coming, hopefully later this year.

If you want the print edition, it’s $14.99. Mainly because I can’t make it any cheaper than that, apparently because of the paper and whatnot.

You can also peruse Playmakers, a collection of essays about the past 20 years in the NFL, published by Hachette’s PublicAffairs in 2022. Or you can get On Our Way Home, a Christmas/ghost story. But only Father of Mine will be 99 cents for one week, starting Monday.

More are coming (whether you want them or not), including a cautionary tale about how gambling and the mob might eventually infiltrate pro football. If it hasn’t already. There’s other stuff, including a western and a murder mystery.

I started writing four years ago because the things I write here quickly become irrelevant, if they’re ever relevant in the first place. Today’s news means nothing by tomorrow. Tomorrow’s news means nothing by the next day. It’s rewarding to write something that potentially will have meaning and relevance and entertainment value for more than a day. If anyone reads it.

If you’ve been reading PFT, you apparently don’t hate the writing. You might not hate Father of Mine. At 99 cents, it’s a minimal risk to find out whether that’s the case.

Ninety-nine cents. Starting Monday. Lasting for a week. 99 cents.

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For one week only, get Father of Mine ebook for 99 cents #week #Father #ebook #cents

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For one week only, get Father of Mine ebook for 99 cents:

If you’re planning on buying the Father of Mine ebook today, do…