Superior Industries appoints Eric Gavin as director of business development


Eric Gavin, the director of business development at Superior Industries

Superior Industries

Superior Industries has appointed Eric Gavin as director of business development in Superior’s construction management division.

Gavin comes to Superior after most recently being employed as a construction project manager for Dumas Mining. Before that, he was an operations manager for the engineering firm Meridiam Partners and held several positions with Harrison Western, an industrial construction company. At Aggregates Industries, Gavin served as a plant manager for operations throughout the Denver metropolitan area.

“Eric’s background and energy fit perfectly into this new position and we’re excited to watch him and the entire construction management team grow and succeed,” says Jason Adams, president of Superior Industries.

In his new role as director of business development for construction management, Gavin will identify new business opportunities, grow existing relationships, develop strategic plans, research industry trends, collaborate with the construction management team, and support project management and onsite tasks as needed.

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“Superior Industries has appointed Eric Gavin as director of business development in Superior’s construction management division…”

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