West Java Diskominfo Welcomes Supply Chain Digitalization Workshop for Garut MSMEs

PORTALJABAR, DISTRICT. GARUT – Secretary of the West Java Province Communication and Information Service, Agi Agung Galuh Purwa, also opened and gave a speech at the Leather Crafts Sector Supply Chain Digitalization Workshop at the Garut Regency Joint Production House (RPB) (14/6/2024).

The event was organized by the Planning Bureau of the Ministry of Communication and Information which aims to encourage MSME players to improve their abilities in the field of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) and support the empowerment of MSMEs in the field of leather crafts.

In his speech, Agi said that in line with West Java’s vision to make West Java a digital province, the West Java government has done many things to optimize and digitize the MSME sector.

The essence of the West Java vision includes two things, namely making things easier for the community and the government.

“The West Java Provincial Government has launched the West Java Superapps called Sapawarga to provide easy access and maximum service to the community. Through this platform, the public can access various important information such as PPDB, scholarships, job vacancies and other digital services. Through Sapawarga all access services and Information from the government is only one door away,” said Agi.

Then, in his speech he said that the MSME sector in West Java province has great potential for development, especially in the field of e-commerce.

In the latest presentation, it was revealed that the number of e-commerce transactions in West Java recorded the highest figure, indicating enormous potential to continue to be optimized.

One of the sectors that stands out in e-commerce is the fashion industry which is most popular with consumers. Considering leather as one of the derivatives of the fashion industry, current trends show that consumers are increasingly turning to digital transactions.

This encourages business people, especially workshop participants, to follow technological trends in carrying out buying and selling transactions.

With this development, it is hoped that MSME players in West Java can take full advantage of the potential of e-commerce, optimize superior products, and continue to innovate in responding to the demands of the increasingly growing digital market.

He also revealed that the West Java Provincial Government has superior programs that can be used to increase marketing skills in the digital field, such as the West Java Digital Academy.

“The West Java Digital Academy program can be utilized by ladies and gentlemen here, especially those of productive age, to improve skills in the field of digitalization. This program is free, can be followed by all groups and the information can be accessed via our official website portal such as the website, or social media “Jabar Digital Academy,” said Agi.

This workshop event presents seven sessions covering various important topics. Starting from socialization sessions on digital patterns to the application of leather cutting techniques, as well as interactive discussions and questions and answers. In addition, there will be practical sessions on bag painting, sewing and assembling bags, which will give participants a direct opportunity to hone their skills.

This workshop will also be equipped with a pre-test and post-test so that participants can measure the increase in their knowledge and skills throughout the event.

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West Java Diskominfo Welcomes Supply Chain Digitalization Workshop for Garut MSMEs #West #Java #Diskominfo #Welcomes #Supply #Chain #Digitalization #Workshop #Garut #MSMEs

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Source Link: https://jabarprov.go.id/en/berita/diskominfo-jabar-sambut-acara-workshop-digitalisasi-supply-chain-untuk-umkm-garut-13952

West Java Diskominfo Welcomes Supply Chain Digitalization Workshop for Garut MSMEs:

PORTALJABAR, DISTRICT. GARUT – Secretary of the West Java Province Communication and Information Se…