5 types of digital content to attract engaged, high-intent prospects, regardless of industry

Digital Products

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They say content is king, but it’s not everything Digital Content All the same, most digital content helps build brand awareness, but the most valuable content is designed to attract eager prospects who are ready to buy.

Of course, no matter how good your content is, it’s unlikely to lead to a purchase on first exposure. The 7 Rules of Marketing It shows that on average, consumers need to be exposed to a message at least seven times before making a purchase decision, and while this is often the case, strong digital content can help significantly reduce this total.

Related: 5 types of digital content your prospects engage with online

Digital Products 1. Email Campaigns

Email Marketing It’s one of the most effective ways to communicate with qualified prospects and keep in touch with existing customers to encourage them to purchase from you again. Not only is email far more likely to be read than other types of content, but the average return on investment is also far higher than other options.

According to the HubSpot blog, most marketers spend an average of Open rate: 46-50% Click-through rates are between 2.6-3%, far exceeding the engagement levels of social media and other popular content.

Even if most of them are made up of previous customers, your email list is an important marketing tool because it’s made up of people who have agreed to receive additional messages from you. This fact alone makes them a much more qualified lead than someone who stumbled across your blog.

Digital Products 2. Personal engagement on social media

Overall engagement Although the reach and reach of many social media platforms has declined, there is still much to be said for the potential these platforms offer to drive one-to-one engagement with your most engaged leads.

When marketers strategically comment on others’ posts, actively participate in relevant groups and conversations, and reply to comments and messages they receive, it helps them generate meaningful dialogue with their target audience.

Combining this personalized engagement with relevant, authentic content (videos, polls, etc.) allows you to leverage social media to nurture qualified leads.

Digital Products 3. Cost Calculator

Most businesses have at least some sort of on-site content marketing strategy. It usually consists of: blogWhile blogs can definitely help with SEO and building domain authority, they may not necessarily generate qualified leads depending on the type of content you create.

However, if your website content is focused on customers who are ready to buy now, you can significantly increase your chances of making a sale. One of the best ways to do this is to use a cost calculator.

From calculating the cost of shipping a car across the country, Build your own websiteThese tools are essentially targeted at qualified leads who are ready to make a purchasing decision, in this case providing useful budget and planning information will directly influence the user’s purchasing decision and is a powerful way to reach these qualified leads.

Related: 4 steps to writing content that converts

Digital Products 4. Webinars

Webinars Webinars are becoming an increasingly popular digital content choice, and for good reason: when promoted to the right audience, your webinar can be much more engaging and attract potential customers than a blog post covering the same topic.

The simple fact of presenting your content in an audiovisual format makes your webinar feel like an event in itself. With a compelling topic and professional presenters, you can attract a large audience. And if the webinar topic itself ties into your offering, it can naturally lead to a solution to your audience’s most pressing problems.

Webinars are even more effective when paired with other content, such as an eBook or follow-up video lessons. When done properly, webinars can be a great resource for collecting email addresses and other information from prospects who are most likely to be interested in your services.

Digital Products 5. Software Demo

Admittedly, this digital content option isn’t applicable to every industry, but there are a wide variety of companies offering software services for everything from tracking logistics and customer relationships to managing the back-end of your website.

Software demos give potential customers a chance to try out your service before committing to a purchase. Experiencing your software firsthand is much more persuasive than a series of sales calls, helping buyers make a clear decision about whether a particular product is right for them.

Opt-out free trial is amazing Conversion rate: 48.8%It’s also worth noting that even companies that don’t sell software have similar “try it” options, such as a two-week trial period for their services. Trials and demos often pique the interest of eager buyers and help inform their purchasing decision.

Related: 5 steps to creating a content marketing strategy that drives business results

Regularly updating your blog and social media profiles Content Marketing StrategyFor brands in any niche, it’s important to focus on the type of content that is likely to bring the most benefit.

By focusing on the types of content that are most likely to generate qualified prospects in the first place, you can convert more leads into sales and maximize the success of your content strategy.

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