Ebooks and audiobooks available 24-7 with the Chatham-Kent Public Library | Wallaceburg News

Chatham-Kent Public Library patrons have access to thousands of ebooks, audiobooks, and magazines through Libby, a free digital resource available through the Virtual Library on our website at www.ckpl.ca!

Through the Libby app or website, readers of all ages can explore a collection of bestsellers, new releases, and materials from a wide variety of genres & subjects. Whether it is reading the new Emily Henry book, flipping through the latest issue of “Time” magazine, or listening to the current Bridgerton book- it’s all free!

Loan information for Libby:

– 10 checkouts at a time; magazines do not count toward checkout limits.

– 10 items on hold at a time.

– Items are automatically returned at the end of the checkout period, meaning no late fines!

– Items can be renewed starting 3 days before expiry dates if there are no holds on the items.

More information can be found on CKPL’s website at the following link:


To find out more about CKPL collections and materials, visit www.ckpl.ca.

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Ebooks and audiobooks available 24-7 with the Chatham-Kent Public Library | Wallaceburg News #Ebooks #audiobooks #ChathamKent #Public #Library #Wallaceburg #News

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Source Link: https://sydenhamcurrent.ca/2024/06/16/ebooks-and-audiobooks-available-24-7-with-the-chatham-kent-public-library/

Ebooks and audiobooks available 24-7 with the Chatham-Kent Public Library | Wallaceburg News:

Chatham-Kent Public Library patrons have access to thousands of ebooks, audiobooks, and magazines t…