Dichlorprop, proposed maximum residue limits (PMRL2024-07)

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Digital Products Current status: Open

Opens on May 16, 2024 and closes on July 30, 2024 for consultation

Health Canada’s Pest Management and Regulatory Agency (PMRA) will update the proposed maximum residue limits (MRLs) for dichlorprop within a maximum of 75 days from the date of publication of this advisory document (by July 30, 2024). The public is invited to submit written comments on the issue.

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This consultation is open for comments from 16 May 2024 until 30 July 2024 (75 calendar days).

To comment on PMRL2024-07:

Please be sure to include the title of the advisory document you are commenting on.

Canada Heath will consider all comments received before making a final decision on the proposed MRL for dichlorprop.

View proposed MRL decisions

Digital Products Report to Canadians

Health Canada will publish the results of this consultation on this website. Once the decision regarding dichlorprop is finalized, the established MRL will become legally effective from the date the MRL is entered into. MRL databasean online query application that allows users to search for established MRLs; pest control product lawboth pesticides or food.

If you have any questions, please contact us. Pest management information service.

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Source link: https://www.canada.ca/en/health-canada/services/consumer-product-safety/pesticides-pest-management/public/consultations/proused-maximum-residue-limit/2024/dichromprop.html