Bulking guide for vegans

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For vegans who avoid all animal products, building and gaining muscle can be difficult. Without meat, eggs, and dairy, it may seem difficult to get enough protein and calories to support muscle growth. However, with the right foods and supplements, vegans can still gain lean muscle mass. This guide provides vegan bulking tips, including the best plant-based protein sources, meal ideas, and how vegan protein powder can help you reach your goals.

Digital Products Protein sources for vegans

Protein is essential for building muscle. The recommended daily protein intake is 0.8g per kg of body weight. However, those who want to gain weight need even more (approximately 1 to 1.5 grams per kilogram). While it can be difficult to get enough protein on a vegan diet, it’s certainly possible with the following healthy plant-based foods.

  • Tofu and Tempeh: Made from soybeans, both contain about 20 grams of protein per 3 oz. Choose a firm or extra firm variety.
  • Edamame: These immature soybeans contain about 15 grams of protein per half cup. Buy them in the shell for a quick snack.
  • Lentils: All types of lentils are an excellent source of nutrients, containing about 18 grams per cooked cup. Try it in soups, stews, chili, and more.
  • Chickpeas: 1 cup cooked Chickpea Contains approximately 15 grams of protein. Enjoy roasted as a crunchy snack.
  • Nuts and nut butters: Almonds, cashews, and peanuts all provide 7 to 8 grams of protein per ounce. Choose natural nut butters with no added oil or sugar.
  • Seitan: Made from wheat gluten, this meat substitute contains up to 75 grams of protein per 3 oz. Find one ready-made or make your own.
  • Vegan Protein Powder: Add 2 scoops to your smoothie or shake for about 20-25 grams of protein.

Digital Products Meal ideas for vegan weight gain

When trying to build muscle, it’s important to eat enough calories throughout the day and consume enough protein regularly. Aim for 4 to 6 small meals rather than 3 large meals. Here are some ideas for high-protein vegan meals.

  • tofu vegetable fried rice
  • Vegan chickpea curry with quinoa
  • Lentil Slew Joes and Baked Sweet Potato Fries
  • Burrito bowl, refried beans, brown rice, avocado
  • Protein smoothie with vegan protein powder, banana and peanut butter
  • Overnight oats made with chia seeds, almond milk, nuts and fruit
  • Hummus and vegetable whole grain wrap
  • Trail mix with nuts, seeds and dried fruit
  • Edamame pasta salad Served with tofu and vinaigrette

Digital Products Role of vegan protein powder

Ideally, you should get your protein from whole food sources, but protein powder For vegans A convenient way to meet your daily protein needs. Look for high-quality plant-based powders made from pea, soy, hemp, rice, or mixed plant proteins. Avoid powders that are high in sugar. Protein powder can be easily incorporated into smoothies, oatmeal, baked goods, and more. Two spoonfuls provides approximately 25 grams of protein. Time your protein shake immediately after your workout to optimize muscle growth and recovery.

Digital Products Tips to maximize muscle gains

Here are some additional tips to help vegans build muscle efficiently.

  • Follow a progressive overload training program that constantly challenges your muscles.
  • Pay close attention to your post-workout nutrition and consume both carbohydrates and protein within the post-workout “anabolic window.”
  • With sufficient rest and sleep, muscle protein synthesis takes place.
  • Manage your stress levels, as cortisol can hinder muscle growth.
  • Be patient – ​​Gaining muscle requires hard work and consistency over time. Don’t expect results overnight.

With meal prep, vegans can get the same muscle-building benefits as meat-eaters. Follow a training plan that focuses on progressive overload and get enough protein through whole foods, supplements, and proper post-workout nutrition. Patience is key. Gaining muscle takes time and consistency. However, by being diligent with your training and diet, vegans can still successfully bulk up.

Lifestyle: 6 positive changes that happen when you go vegan for a month

Rayhab Freedom

Founder of Potentash. Creative writer. Potendash Editor-in-Chief. He is passionate about telling African stories and stories about minority inclusion. Please contact us at [email protected]. “At the end of the day, we are all stories.” – Steven Moffat

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“This is a huge plug-in.”
“For vegans who avoid all animal products, building and gaining muscle can be difficult. Without meat, eggs, and dairy products, it can seem difficult to get enough protein and calories. yeah…”
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Source link: https://potentash.com/2024/05/16/the-vegans-guide-bulking-up/