Variety show scheduled to raise money for acting academy | News, Sports, Jobs

The Marshalltown Community Theater is bringing back the Kids Acting Academy, starting with an August variety show to raise money for the endeavor. The planned production for the academy’s 2025 return is “Finding Nemo, Jr.”

The Kids Acting Academy is making a return to Marshalltown Community Theater next summer. To raise money for the endeavor, a variety show is scheduled for August.

Vanessa Engel, MCT organizer for the academy and the variety show, said the event is serving as the launch for fundraising efforts. They have a goal to raise $7,000 in order to host the academy next summer.

“The Kids Acting Academy was on hiatus up until this point,” she said. “We had the trouble of COVID, the derecho was a big obstacle. We are using this time to create this fundraiser to replace things we lost — props, art supplies, costumes. We are looking for finances to replace those and for our normal expenditures.”

Engel hopes to attract family-friendly youth and adult performers for the Aug. 10 variety show. Auditions will be held Aug. 6 and Aug. 7 at 4 p.m. She said she would also accept video auditions. Rehearsals will be held Aug. 8 and Aug. 9 also at 4 p.m.

A few years ago, Engel said there was not a lot of interest in putting on a Marshalltown variety show, but the trend seems to have changed. Forms for the variety show were sent to determine community interest. She said people have approached her to talk about potential things they could do on stage.

“A couple adults are doing bands, a couple are interested in showcasing solo performances, some students want to read poetry out loud and one family is interested in a juggling act,” Engel said. “We are very open to a lot of performances. We want to showcase the talents of Marshalltown and the surrounding areas, as well.”

The goal is to have at least six variety acts.

“Our goal is around 20 acts, but we are willing to work with whoever shows up,” Engel said.

Tickets for the show will cost $10, and proceeds will go toward the Kids Acting Academy. Initially, she said they were hoping to bring the academy back this year, but more details need to be worked out. For example, they wanted to make sure space for the variety show was secured at the Marshalltown High School Performing Arts Center.

“We have got to have funding, because a kids show is expensive, especially a musical,” Engel said. “That’s why we are intending to launch the academy next year, so things are more organized and we have money under our belt.”

When the week-long academy kicks off again, she said they will have volunteers and certified teachers who will be paid for their time. Children in the academy will learn a variety of skills. Classes will focus on blocking for a show, memorizing lines, dance and music, improv, stage etiquette, theater technology such as sound and lighting, stage makeup, art for props and sets and costumes.

“Kids can keep the costume pieces they make, if they want,” Engel said.

The aspiring actors will be divided into two groups, and separate performances presented.

“So, two different groups will be performing the same show at different times — one week, one show, two casts,” she said.

The children in elementary grades will be separated from those in middle and high schools. That way, there will be no pressure on the teenagers to help watch after the younger children.

“They will also get the opportunity to be actors, rather than guiding littles,” Engel said.

A location for the academy still needs to be secured, she said. They are also working on creating props and costumes.

The play that is planned for the 2025 academy is “Finding Nemo, Jr.” Engel said they are waiting to get the rights.

“It’s so stinking cute,” she said. “I’m excited to see if we get the rights, but we need to make sure we have the funding.”

The story is the same as Disney’s “Finding Nemo” — an overly-anxious clownfish, Marlin, searches for his son, Nemo, who is captured by a diver and placed into an aquarium. Marlin is joined by the forgetful Dory in his quest to find Nemo. Engel has not seen the play live, but is looking forward to it.

“I chose it,” she said. “‘Finding Nemo’ is a newer classic of Disney. I think a lot of kids, whether they enjoy ‘Nemo’ or not, are familiar with the story.”

The set for the play will feature a lot of bright colors, which Engel said the academy kids will create.

“We will have an art teacher who will take set ideas to a whole other level,” she said. “Parents will enjoy the show. I think kids will enjoy it. I think this is a great summer act for the kids, and a nice way to launch the Kids Acting Academy. It’s a good show to get back on track. We are going to splash back into the Kids Acting Academy.”



Engel said for people who are unable to physically attend the auditions for the variety show can email them to her at [email protected]. The deadline for video submission is noon on Aug. 7.


Contact Lana Bradstream

at 641-753-6611 ext. 210 or

[email protected].

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