STEP Agroholding promotes import substitution of digital products in Russia

AK&M 12 July 2024 13:10

The STEP Agroholding participates in the government’s import substitution program.

The company’s specialists are overseeing the issue of domestic software development for the agro-industrial complex. The work takes place as part of the Industrial Competence Center (ITCC). STEP regularly participates in the evaluation of IT projects and startups for the agro-industrial sector, promotes their development and implementation.

STEP Agroholding, as a member of the ITCC, considers IT solutions from the point of view of their relevance and applicability for production. Thanks to the assessment of the members of the competence center, digital projects can receive state co-financing in the form of grants or subsidies for implementation. In addition, with the help of the CIC, the control and monitoring of the implementation of these projects is carried out, as well as all significant changes to them are approved.

Industrial competence centers, built on the principle of consortia, bring together the largest domestic companies: developers, manufacturers and customers of digital products for the most important sectors of the economy. STEP is a member of the ICC Agroindustrial Complex along with the largest Russian companies such as Damate, Rusagro, and Agro-Industrial Complex. The task is to provide Russian enterprises with high–quality digital products that are comparable to Western brands in terms of functional and technical parameters, as well as convenient to use and integrate. The work of the CIC was launched in 2022 on behalf of the Government of the Russian Federation.

STEPAN Agroholding is one of the leaders of digitalization in Russian agriculture. The company has its own research and development department, which is engaged, among other things, in conducting experiments, working out and piloting digital projects. The most promising projects are being implemented and scaled with the involvement of their own specialized departments and IT. For example, the project of differentiated application of plant protection products, the use of optimization models and artificial intelligence, the use of autonomous agricultural machinery and additive technologies (3D printing).

Andrey Neduzhko, General Director of the STEP Agroholding:

“The experience of digitalization in the STEP Agroholding shows that digital tools can significantly improve production efficiency. We are sure that smart technologies have not only the future, but also the present. That is why, in our opinion, the activity on the development of digitalization in the country, in particular, agriculture, is extremely important.”

Please note that this press release is based on materials provided by the company. AK&M Information Agency shall not be held liable for its contents, nor for the legal and other consequences of its publication.

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AK&M 12 July 2024 13:10