Embracing Digital Product Passport as a regulatory requirement

What is a Digital Product Passport (DPP)?


  • A digital bridge between the customer, the product and the brand
  • A digital carrier on the physical product creating a unique link with the product’s digital identity
  • A digital touchpoint enabling new upstream and downstream customer experiences


While the adoption of DPPs has so far been driven by luxury fashion and jewelry, it could touch upon many other industries (e.g., automotive, art, hospitality, perfume, cosmetics, furniture, yachting, etc.). The modularity and flexibility of DPPs means that each one will differ, as each brand selects its desired features to enable functionalities that fit its specific industry, business strategy, and target audience.

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Embracing Digital Product Passport as a regulatory requirement #Embracing #Digital #Product #Passport #regulatory #requirement

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Source Link: https://www.deloitte.com/global/en/Industries/consumer/analysis/embracing-digital-product-passport-regulatory-requirement.html