Telecel Ghana CEO calls for multilateral cooperation and investment in digital public infrastructure

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Ing. Patricia Obonayi, Chief Executive Officer of Telecel Ghana, has unequivocally called for stronger multilateral partnerships and cooperation between industry, governments and investors to accelerate the growth of digital public infrastructure in Africa. Ta.

Delivering a keynote speech on ‘Digital Infrastructure and Innovation: Accelerating Africa’s Development’ at the Mobile Technology for Development (MT4D) session at the 3i Africa Summit last Wednesday, he spoke about leveraging technology to build digital infrastructure, innovation and , outlined a roadmap for rapidly achieving literacy. Beyond the continent.

“My first call on this matter is for cooperation and partnership between governments, industry, domestic direct investors, and foreign direct investors to work together to seriously strengthen digital public infrastructure. Discuss Don’t just say it, let’s do it,” Obonayi said.

She highlighted three key areas that require attention to accelerate the integration of technology into public services to benefit all communities: infrastructure, innovation, and digital literacy.

The MT4D session, organized by the Ghana Telecommunications Chamber under the auspices of the 3i Africa Summit, also hosted multiple panel discussions with experts in the fields of technology, innovation and public information, and discussed digital public infrastructure for inclusive development. Shared insights and solutions for scaling. .

Citing a report on the state of mobile internet connectivity in sub-Saharan Africa, he said 15 per cent of people on the continent remain unconnected and 59 per cent are connected but remain unconnected. He advocated for the expansion of secure and resilient mobile internet connectivity. High quality communication.

“As a service provider, Telecel believes in investing in network infrastructure and will continue to do so. But we also believe in participating in infrastructure sharing and co-investment programs to bridge the gap. ” she said. “This will ensure much-needed progress towards achieving Sustainable Development Goal 9, which is to provide universal and affordable internet access across Africa,” she said.

Citing the e-Conomy Africa report, which revealed that Africa’s digital economy is one of the biggest overlooked investment opportunities with the potential to increase Africa’s GDP by USD 180 billion by 2025, He urged stakeholders to invest in Africa’s innovative capacity and prioritize invention in schools and schools. industry.

“Innovation is the fuel that drives progress and drives change. We need to be more conscious and invest in harnessing the innovative capabilities of our talent, prioritizing innovation in schools and industries to drive development at scale.”

Ing advocates for the expansion and implementation of digital literacy programs in schools to equip African youth with skills for the digital economy. Obonayi said: “If we have the infrastructure in place and all the innovative solutions in place, are Africans ready to take advantage of it and accelerate our development? ” he said.

Africa’s working-age population is expected to grow to approximately 450 million people by 2035, and expanding access to the internet will create millions of job opportunities and encourage young people to take advantage of technological opportunities in the digital environment. She believes it has the potential to improve people’s skills.

“Governments and businesses need to invest in digital literacy programs that equip African youth with the skills they need to succeed in the digital economy, from coding to digital marketing to cybersecurity and data analysis. From primary school onwards. Inculcate digital technology knowledge among the youth and increase their exposure,” she said.

He advised stakeholders to move beyond dialogue and put in place common solutions to ensure Africa’s development is accelerated through digital public infrastructure.

“Together we must crack the code to unlock the full potential of Africa’s digital revolution and development,” she said.

Written by Kingsley Asare

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“This is a great addition!!”
“Ing Patricia Obonayi, Chief Executive Officer of Telecel Ghana, has unequivocally called for stronger multilateral partnerships and cooperation between industry, government and investors to accelerate Ghana’s growth.”
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