More and more companies are offering on-site childcare services. Is it a long term solution?


They operate in secluded yet easily accessible locations such as airports, resorts, and distribution centers. They often make sounds of laughter, sounds of blocks rolling, balls bouncing, tricycles snaking, etc.

They are child care center I am based at my workplace. and, lots of These issues have become more frequent in the American child care landscape.

soaring childcare costs Staffing shortages also require complicated arrangements for working parents. Some have quit their jobs because they struggle to find quality care. Employers, on the other hand, are increasingly concerned about their company’s entry into the childcare field. competitive advantage and improve workplace morale.

“In the absence of government intervention or investment, many companies are stepping up efforts to provide affordable child care for their employees,” says Ericsson Research, an independent graduate school for early childhood education. said Samantha Melvin, an assistant professor at the school. Early childhood education.

Parents who benefit from child care at work appreciate its convenience and affordability.

Francis Ortiz, who works as an accountant at The Venetian Resort Las Vegas, can’t imagine a better choice. She said her 3-year-old daughter gained her independence and language skills at the facility’s employee daycare center, with her mother not far away.
“She ran here,” Ortiz said. “She grabbed my badge. She has to open the door herself.”

In September, Pittsburgh International Airport added an on-site child care center. The center welcomes children of Allegheny County Airport Authority employees as well as select airport employees such as food and beverage workers, ground handlers and wheelchair attendants.

Airport officials said the idea was born out of a desire to bring more women and people of color into the aviation workforce. Additionally, the airport is located 17 miles from downtown Pittsburgh, making childcare arrangements difficult for employees. We are currently operating at about half capacity.

“This certainly means that when we say we invest in them and what they need, we The fact that he means what he says is important evidence for our team.”

If parents can afford childcare in the first place, the cost of childcare can exceed the cost of rent or mortgage. Many people are on waiting lists.

Experts warn against over-reliance on companies to fill the void. Philip Fisher, director of the Stanford Center for Early Childhood Education, said doing so could undermine efforts to recognize child care as a public good.

“There are a lot of well-meaning people who think this is a really good idea, and it might be for the people who will benefit,” he says. “Again, there are a lot of downsides in the short term.”

One potential pitfall, he says, is the instability that comes with parents suddenly losing their jobs and having to find new childcare and a new job.

There is a wide range of support offered by public and private employers. Some run their own centers. Some companies outsource operations and management.

Financial arrangements are also different. Many companies and organizations do not disclose the exact discounts offered to their employees.

For example, Walmart recently opened an on-site child care center at its large campus in Bentonville, Arkansas. Little Squiggles Children’s Enrichment Center charges between $1,117 and $1,258 per month, depending on the child’s age, but company officials told the Monitor that the fees are either “market rate or local level for comparable care.” “The following,” he said in an email.
Another method gaining momentum is for employers to provide subsidies to help families access child care options within their communities.

KinderCare, a large child care provider with locations across the country, partners with more than 600 businesses and organizations to provide employee-sponsored child care, up from 400 companies in 2019. said Dan Figulski, president of Employers and Champions. These employers represent the technology, healthcare, banking, academic, and public service industries, among others.

Operated by Kindercare of Nevada, the Venetian Resort’s child care center is located in the back hallway of a home just off Las Vegas Boulevard.

Venetian Chief Human Resources Officer Matt Kristofiak said that, space permitting, all employees can enroll their children at a cost that is typically 35 to 40 percent less than KinderCare’s regular rate. The company also offers subsidies to employees who want to enroll their children in off-site kindergarten care closer to home.

“We’re doing this because our team members want it,” Kristofiak said. “This is what our team members need.”

Some companies see investing in childcare as a reflection of their corporate culture.
Patagonia’s foray into childcare began in 1983, when some of the company’s former employees began having children. As the clothing retailer grew, so did its childcare operations. Currently, the company operates his three child care centers (two in Southern California and one in Reno, Nevada), which serve about 200 children.

The company charges employees at each location what Leader calls the “average market rate.” Subsidies are available based on household income, said Cheryl Shushan, Patagonia’s director of global family services. Childcare workers are employed by Patagonia and therefore receive company benefits.

In an outdoor classroom at Patagonia’s distribution center in Reno, kids spend hours digging in the sand, riding bikes, playing in the water, and climbing on natural and man-made objects. Patagonia leaders say the benefits to their company include increased employee retention, a can-do spirit in the workplace, and a greater sense of community.

For Alyssa Oldham, a classroom manager in Reno, a job and childcare benefits meant rethinking family size. She and her husband originally envisioned a one-child family due to child support considerations.

She now works alongside her four-year-old son and one-year-old daughter.
“When I was working here, I was thinking, ‘Maybe I’ll have another child,'” she says.

This series on how the child care crisis is impacting working parents, with a focus on solutions, is a coalition of eight news organizations including The Hechinger Report,, Associated Press, and T. Produced by an Education Reporting Collaborative.Christian Science Monitor, dallas morning news, idaho education news, post and courierand Seattle Times.

Copyright 2024. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten, or redistributed.

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“Parents love the convenience and affordability, but some experts are concerned about over-reliance on workplace childcare…”
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