EU, Foti: “Ideological environmentalism puts employment and social stability at risk”

“Policies that are too driven towards ideological environmentalism can create repercussions in terms of loss of competitiveness compared to other continents which not only Italy, but all of Europe cannot afford” and “at stake is employment stability and, therefore , social aspect of the nation”. This was said by the group leader of the Brothers of Italy in the Chamber of Deputies, Thomas Foti.

“On the green deal we expect a significant change of heart from Von der Leyen – he underlined -. The costs of achieving the ambitious objectives of the ‘clean industry’ which should lead us to reduce emissions by 90 percent by 2040 are very high – some hypothesize 300 billion a year, almost a billion a day – and it is not yet clear who will bear the weight. Of course, it will not be able to burden the companies that we would condemn to bankruptcy, nor only the governments forced to deal with compliance with the Stability Pact. It is necessary to act, when the ‘green transition’ is evoked, with balance, intelligence and a sense of responsibility instead of opening one’s mouth and giving it a breath without thinking about the consequences of certain actions, entrenching oneself in ideological positions. We have always acted in the interests of Italians and we will continue to do so”, concluded Foti.

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EU, Foti: “Ideological environmentalism puts employment and social stability at risk” #Foti #Ideological #environmentalism #puts #employment #social #stability #risk

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EU, Foti: “Ideological environmentalism puts employment and social stability at risk”:

“Policies that are too driven towards ideological environmentalism can create repercussions in t…