‘Having clear thoughts always makes for better outcomes’

Most like to play a game with?
Terry McDermott – a Liverpool legend. When I was about six years old, there would be an hour of English football highlights televised on the weekend that I would watch religiously. He was my favourite player because he used to score the coolest goals. I distinctly remember a game against Tottenham Hotspur where he casually volleyed the ball in from over 30 yards [27 metres] out. Legend!

What’s more important on the field: thinking on your feet or having the physical skills?
In football, I think you need both, but having clear thoughts always makes for better outcomes. You need to have an idea of what you want to do with the ball before you receive it.

Tedesco is a lifelong Liverpool fan but admires Manchester United forward Marcus Rashford for his community work. 

Most inspiring soccer player and why?
I admire a ton of players. Manchester United player Marcus Rashford does amazing things for his community, like running campaigns to raise awareness about food poverty and improving children’s literacy. He’s a terrific role model. In terms of inspiration, I’ve always loved Leicester City striker Jamie Vardy’s story. He’s gone from non-league football to winning the Premier League. He demonstrates the value of perseverance and self-belief.

Most memorable moment on the field?
A couple of years ago, my team won an indoor soccer final against a team half our age that we’d never beaten before. We won 3-1, and I scored a perfect hat-trick: one with my head, one with my left foot and one with my right foot. That was a good day.

Tips for people who want to become better players?
You need to have several tricks in your bag for when the ball comes your way. Football can be chaotic – there’s always someone marking you. In fact, the better you are, the less thinking time you have to determine your best move. While a lot may be going on, it’s important to slow down your thinking and pre-plan. If you start thinking when you get the ball and then try to react, it’s probably too late.

Robert Tedesco, second from left, with teammates: Stuart Clark, Paul Burke, Masis Tevanian, John Larsen, Jamie Atherton, Simon Chan, Jonny Bickers, Terry Ladden, Steve Glossop, Bardia Housman, Jimmy Iddon, manager Glen Jones, and Frank Mastronardo (kneeling). 

Most love about the game?
At this stage, the beer and banter after each game. We have beer duty: it’s someone’s job to bring an esky of beers, and they have to be cold. After the game, we grab a beer and sit on the hill for a chat and some sideline commentary about the next game. So much teamwork goes into scoring or stopping goals, and I think being part of that is what makes football special. The team is a very diverse group. There’s a guy who runs a cement truck, a tech guy, financial advisers – just a random mix of individuals brought together by football.

Dislike about it?
We don’t slide tackle any more, but growing up, inevitably I would have grazes from every match. They would sort of heal, but then I’d rip them up five minutes into the next match. My arms and legs would be like that for the four to five months of the season – and don’t get me started on the weeping sores sticking to my trousers on Monday at work. I’m glad it’s become less of a thing as I’ve gotten older.

Thoughts on the offside rule?
It’s part of the game. I actually love the challenge of breaking it down. Of course, I have been robbed on numerous occasions because of dodgy offside decisions, but I’m sure defenders would say I’ve benefited from non-calls too. At the end of the day, you have to play on, respect the referee’s decision and get over it.

What would you change in the world of soccer?
Wider goals would be nice.

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Source Link: https://www.afr.com/life-and-luxury/health-and-wellness/having-clear-thoughts-always-makes-for-better-outcomes-20240715-p5jtth

‘Having clear thoughts always makes for better outcomes’:

Most like to play a game with?Terry McDermott – a Liverpool legend. When I was about six years old, …