Russian woman wakes up to boa constrictor emerging from toilet

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Spooky May 24, 2024 Category: news

A woman in Moscow recently got the shock of her life when she walked into her bathroom to find a full-grown white boa constrictor hanging over the toilet bowl.

An exotic snake crawling out of a toilet might not be newsworthy in countries like Australia or Brazil, where snakes are a part of everyday life. But for Europeans living in bustling cities, it’s a sight they’d never see. But a Moscow woman nearly had a heart attack when she walked into her bathroom and found an albino boa constrictor climbing out of the toilet bowl. Shocked, the woman slammed the bathroom door and quickly called an ambulance. As it turned out, the snake was a resident of her apartment who had simply gone outside to check the drainage system.

by SHOT Telegram ChannelThe albino boa constrictor belonged to another resident in the building, who had left it in the bathroom while cleaning out its enclosure. The inquisitive reptile reportedly climbed into the plumbing through the bathtub drain and into the ladies’ bathroom. It appears the boa is a repeat offender, having previously escaped from its enclosure two years ago and been found on the stairs of an apartment building by another terrified neighbour.

When police arrived, they took a few photos of the snake before calling in a snake expert to remove it from the woman’s bathroom, then took some more photos of themselves holding the snake, because why not?

Considering this is the second incident in two years, it’s unclear whether the boa’s owner will face any punishment, but one thing is for sure: this boa is an explorer.

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“A woman in Moscow recently got the shock of her life when she walked into her bathroom to find a fully grown white boa constrictor hanging over the toilet. Exotic…”
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