Türkiye: Project Highlights – Tackling a new wave of Ukrainian and Afghan refugees to Turkey by providing employment opportunities in the food and agriculture sector (OSRO/TUR/007/JPN) – ReliefWeb

Türkiye: Project Highlights – Tackling a new wave of Ukrainian and Afghan refugees to Turkey by providing employment opportunities in the food and agriculture sector (OSRO/TUR/007/JPN)  ReliefWeb

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Türkiye: Project Highlights – Tackling a new wave of Ukrainian and Afghan refugees to Turkey by providing employment opportunities in the food and agriculture sector (OSRO/TUR/007/JPN) – ReliefWeb #Türkiye #Project #Highlights #Tackling #wave #Ukrainian #Afghan #refugees #Turkey #providing #employment #opportunities #food #agriculture #sector #OSROTUR007JPN #ReliefWeb

Source link Google News

Source Link: https://news.google.com/rss/articles/CBMioAJBVV95cUxPbnNTSElpa0ZZNU9lZDI1N3UxYVBGc1lOS0hidHVoeVZ5cmNjd3d4OWxheE9CMTRYS2c3V2FsQk9yb1IwOUVXZjA0TlVOZElVZ2E3cDFiTjV3OER6NXVmSXdaVGMybElUVlI4NUhjcER1dmkzXzJqS0N1NW5uR3p1N3hFYVc1ZlA3TTY1dGtNeUo4dHQwaGcxWkFaYmFzSkdsZ3p0SjE3NFMtMmNHdS1oWEkwR3NaNHdGU1NQcVpidDBLblAtLWZPc2lhdElaNnZPcmxPZTlZLUo5RFVjc1diRFhTbXdpWVlQdjlPUnJ6b1pBeW1JUE4tWEVMdm0tY24wbkxyTVN1aUJPc051OTREQm1pSXRKVFI0NjM5WXVTZEY?oc=5

Türkiye: Project Highlights – Tackling a new wave of Ukrainian and Afghan refugees to Turkey by providing employment opportunities in the food and agriculture sector (OSRO/TUR/007/JPN) – ReliefWeb:

Türkiye: Project Highlights – Tackling a new wave of Ukrainian and Afghan refugees to Turkey by prov…