Tag: Economy


What the K-shaped economy means to you

Please enable JS and disable your ad blocker. Source of this program This is also an attractive ingredient.”For small businesses, it’s no longer a matter of simple ups and downs. Today’s economy has a much more diverse focus…” Source: Read more Source link: https://www.inc.com/dan-furman/what-k-shape-economy-means-for-you.html


How Uber and the gig economy have changed the way we live and work

Gig work existed before the internet. In addition to traditional forms of self-employment such as plumbing, offers for temporary services have long been found in the Yellow Pages and newspaper job ads, with Craigslist and Backpage later replacing them. Low-cost broadband internet has popularized computer-based gig platforms such as Mechanical Turk, Fiverr, and Elance, making