American Insanity by LeRoy Cossette

“American Insanity” reflects on the political insanity that has overtaken the United States. It addresses American citizen’s apathetic view of our governing system, both toward elected officials and the ever controlling Washington bureaucracy. How and why the cititens of this nation have failed their obligation to keep vigilance over our governing officials and holding them accountable when they fail to uphold their promises and their oath of office. I compares the America I grew up in, which is rapidly slipping away, to the nation it has now become. “American Insanity” addresses the insanity that we, the American citizens, are now living through while the “Last Vestige of Hope for Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness” rapidly transforms from a Constitutional Republic into a Marxist-Communist Nation. It addresses a failed two party political system which no longer supports and protects our Judeo-Christian values upon which the United States was founded. Parties which have lost their moral compass, strength, and courage to protect our Constitutional Republic and the citizens therein.”American Insanity” goes on to address how the Washington politicians and bureauracy have ceased to represent the people and now represent their own selfish interests. It speaks to how newly elected officials go to Washington with honorable intentions but are soon consumed by greed for wealth and power and how this greed is destroying the heritage, culture, heritage, and the very fabric of our Constitutional Republic. “American Insanity” further addresses how “We the People” have become so apathetic towards the governing of our Nation, that, on average, 30% of registered voters do not vote in Presidential elections and far more fail to vote in mid-term elections. All of which are rapidly propelling constitutional republic to suicide as a sovereign Nation. “American Insanity” presents not only the critical issues at play in our Nation, but presents the only solutions which can save our Constitutional Republic, our heritage, and our culture.


Paperback Details
  • 00/2024
  • 979-8350927337
  • 522 pages
  • $$26.95
ebook Details
  • 00/2024
  • 629 pages
  • $$7.99

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American Insanity by LeRoy Cossette #American #Insanity #LeRoy #Cossette

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American Insanity by LeRoy Cossette:

“American Insanity” reflects on the political insanity that has overta…