Amey enters into long-term deal for ‘eco-products’

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Equipment rental specialist Speedy Hire has signed a long-term agreement with Amey Group Services to provide non-operated plant.

The hire and solutions contract is worth up to £25m annually, Cheshire-based Speedy Hire announced yesterday.

A company spokesman said the duration of the deal could not be disclosed.

The firm said it was chosen for its sustainability credentials and “commercially sustainable eco-products”, which align with Amey’s environmental, sustainability and governance framework.

Plant for Amey will include H-Power Generators from Speedy Hydrogen Solutions — a 50:50 joint venture between Speedy and Surrey-based AFC Energy — and battery storage units (pictured) from Green Power Hire.

The spokesperson added that these “two relatively new products to market” will be joined by other non-operated plant such as a hydrogen-powered access platform from Speedy Hire and Niftylift.

Speedy Hire added that its contract with Amey will come into effect in the second half of its financial year, ending 31 March 2024.

Amey chief operating officer John Faulkner said the multi-year deal “signifies a strategic alliance between Amey and Speedy Hire in our common goals to play a critical role in protecting the natural environment while accelerating the UK’s transition to net zero”.

The Amey deal forms part of Speedy Hire’s five-year Velocity growth and business transformation strategy, said the latter’s chief executive Dan Evans.

Launched in July 2023, the strategy is designed to result in annual revenue of £650m by the end of its 2028 financial year.

This would mark an almost 50 per cent increase on Speedy Hire’s 2023 turnover of £440.6m.

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“This is one glamorous component!!”

“Equipment rental specialist Speedy Hire has signed a long-term agreement with Amey Group Services to provide non-operated plant. The hire and solutions contract is worth up to £25m annually, Cheshire-based…”

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