AUDIO NEWS: Tradesman catches tool thief, students help out and a naked decorator

Posted: Wednesday, July 10th, 2024

A tradesman from Lanarkshire leapt out of bed to make a citizen’s arrest of somebody breaking into his van and steal his tools 

This week James Purdie appeared in Hamilton Sheriff Court where he admitted forcing open the van in October last year.

According to the prosecution, the unnamed tradesperson was woken by his wife around 3:30 in the morning. He then went outside and apprehended Purdie and held him until the police arrived.

Purdie, who suffered a facial injury during the incident was taken to hospital where he shouted and swore at officers.

Bricklaying students from Telford College are helping to restore a grade II listed Weston Park.

The students aged between 16 and 25 have been working a day a week on the perimeter of a walled garden.

Working under college tutors and lead conservator Luke Unsworth students were raking out old mortar and repointing to restore the brickwork.

Police were called to a house in Middleton after a decorator was spotted painting the outside of a house naked except for his work boots.

Naturist Stuart Gilmour was 26ft up a ladder when the “giggling” officer arrived.

The homeowner, Maria Goodey had already alerted her neighbours to the nude nature of her decorator in a note, asking them to “be kind”.

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AUDIO NEWS: Tradesman catches tool thief, students help out and a naked decorator #AUDIO #NEWS #Tradesman #catches #tool #thief #students #naked #decorator

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AUDIO NEWS: Tradesman catches tool thief, students help out and a naked decorator:

Posted: Wednesday, July 10th, 2024

A tradesman from Lanarkshire leapt out of bed…