Brian Keillor: The Heresy of Christian Nationalism

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How did phrases like “One Nation Under God” become part of the Pledge of Allegiance and “In God We Trust” become America’s national motto? As Christian nationalism becomes increasingly mainstream, experts like Brian Keillor are investigating the origins of these religious elements in American public life. Contrary to popular belief, much of this fusion of religion and national identity was not established by evangelicals, but by mainstream Protestant clergy and politicians.

In this week’s episode State of Faiththe Interface Alliance’s weekly radio show and podcast, Reverend Paul Raushenbusch will be added Pastor Brian Caylor To explore the discoveries of Brian’s new book, American Baptism: How Mainline Protestantism Helped Construct Christian Nationalism Co-authored with Rev. Beau Underwood.

“Jesus doesn’t love America more than any other country. We’re not specially blessed. Our soldiers are not God’s soldiers. We’re called to fellowship with believers, whether they’re on this side of the border or on the other side. And that should be our first loyalty. I mean, Jesus clearly said, ‘You cannot serve two masters.’ And Christian nationalism, at best, challenges that premise, and at worst, sees the kingdom of America as the true master, because we know they’re going to clash. We know you’re going to choose one kingdom over the other. So we’re very concerned about the heresy of Christian nationalism.”

– Dr. Brian Keillor, award-winning author and journalist. He Words and Ways and, Baptist without adjectives Podcasts. Other books include Sacramental Politics: Religious Worship as a Political Act, and Just shut up, I beg of you!

This episode concludes with highlights from the past two years as Paul asks his guests, “What gives you hope right now?” Hear inspiring thoughts from Rainn Wilson, Dr. AnnMarie Mingo, Rev. Susan Sparks, and Dr. Eddie Glaude Jr.

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“State of Belief host Rev. Paul Brandeis Rauschenbusch speaks with Rev. Brynn Kaylor, author of the new book, Baptizing America: How Mainline Protestants Helped Build Christian Nationalism. Posted…”
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