Bridgeport small business owner speaks out after 3rd instance of vandalism – NBC Chicago

The owner of a beauty supply store in Bridgeport is speaking out after her business was once again the subject of vandalism.

It’s not the first time Prima owner Whitney Cumbo has had to pick up the pieces outside of her business.

“The prior one, it was a guy on a bike who rode by and punched the window,” Cumbo said. “Before that, it was a guy who rode up and threw a rock at my window and shattered my window. It’s a really an ongoing occurrence and I feel like it needs to be heard and seen.”

Cumbo started her small business alongside her sister five years ago.

She said they chose Bridgeport because it is close to where they grew up, and it feels like home.

Lately, she said she feels like she’s being pushed out because of her race.

“As an African American woman, the cards were already not dealt to me,” Cumbo said. “And that fact that I’m trying, and striving and for no reason at all, I keep getting set back.”

The most recent vandalism happened on Tuesday, June 18.

Cumbo said she’s still waiting for the store’s front window to get fixed while also waiting for Chicago police to find the person responsible.

“It feels defeating to know we are in good standing, we have good intentions, we give good energy and we create a good atmosphere,” employee Donte Miles told NBC Chicago.

No one is in custody for the vandalism as police continue to investigate.

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Bridgeport small business owner speaks out after 3rd instance of vandalism – NBC Chicago #Bridgeport #small #business #owner #speaks #3rd #instance #vandalism #NBC #Chicago

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Bridgeport small business owner speaks out after 3rd instance of vandalism – NBC Chicago:

The owner of a beauty supply store in Bridgeport is speaking out after her business…