BTCShow: Series For Professionals On You Tube Tips For Workplace, Personal Development Take Off


Organisers of ‘The Breaking the Coconut Show’, also known as the BTCShow, have concluded plans to train youths on how to use You Tube platform to shape the future of workplace and personal devel­opment.

The series is designed to serve as a masterclass for business owners and thought leaders worldwide, focusing on empowering the next generation of professionals.

They said youths can make a for­tune by sharing beauty tips, gaming strategies, travel adventures and simple expression of unique per­spectives on the platform.

The platform, according to them, can serve as a guide for career guid­ance, stating this informed the groundbreaking series on YouTube, dedicated to career and personal de­velopment, setting a new standard for workplace innovation.

Highlights of the YouTube series would feature global perspectives of business owners of Nigerian and African descent, who share their success stories and lessons learned in the global marketplace.

Charles Umeh, the visioner, a career development expert, is an advocate for professional growth and author of several works for the workplace and human resource de­velopment.

Umeh, is determined to review brain circulation vis-a-vis brain drain, exploring the positive im­pacts of the skilled labour move­ment, highlighting brain circula­tion as a driver of innovation and growth.

He said: “Gone are the days when a traditional 9-to-5 job was the sole path to financial security. The emergence of YouTube as a career avenue has opened a world of possi­bilities for creative minds to thrive, connect, and make a living on their terms. From viral challenges that sweep the internet to in-depth tu­torials that offer real value, the platform rewards originality and consistency like never before.

“Interestingly, it is not all sun­shine and rainbows in the world of YouTube, as with any venture, there are challenges to navigate and secrets to success that often remain hidden beneath the glossy surface. But forget about challenges if you get served perks on the other side.

“Our new series is more than just a show; it’s a movement aimed at inspiring and equipping the next generation of professionals.

“By sharing real stories and ac­tionable advice, we strive to create a lasting impact, helping viewers navigate and excel in their careers. In the changing workplace, the You­Tube Channel seeks to be the go-to place for conversation in the career development space.”

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“Organisers of ‘The Breaking the Coconut Show’, also known as the BTCShow, have concluded plans to train youths on how to use You Tube platform to shape the future of…”

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