…‘Bullying actions of the Port Authority’ | Local News | trinidadexpress.com


MOVIETOWNE management last night responded to yesterday’s action at the cineplex and described it as the “high-handed, illegal and bullying actions of the Port Authority”.

“Trinbago Commercial Development Company Ltd (TCDC/MovieTowne) wishes to advise its customers, tenants and the wider community of the continuation of its regular business activities at its Port of Spain branch,” they said.

The company said “it strongly condemns the high handed, illegal and bullying actions of the Port Authority of Trinidad and Tobago (PATT) and the Port of Spain Infrastructure Development Company (POSINCO).

“TCDC has offered to settle all outstanding rental sums which are not in dispute and attempted to pay such sums by cheque. The cheque was returned notwithstanding current discussions to settle all matters including disputed amounts.”

MovieTowne said: “The actions of POSINCO and PATT have been described as unjustified and illegal acts by experienced external legal counsel, who shall shortly commence legal proceedings against PATT and POSINCO inclusive of Injunctive Relief to ensure redress to TCDC and the protection of its tenants and employees.

“TCDC reassures our patrons that our Port of Spain facility continues to be open and our team will spare no effort to ensure their safety and maintain and enhance the premium service levels that families and clients have come to expect and deserve,” the cineplex said.

Tenants and their staff members seemed to be caught unaware of yesterday’s operation at Movietowne.

The Express spoke to employees at six stores at the entertainment complex, most of whom said they had “no idea” that their landlord owed the State money.

Several tenants and employees had confused looks when asked what they thought of the bailiff’s action. “Seriously,” said one woman incredulously.

“But to be honest. We really had no idea that this was going on,” said another woman.

Tenants, however, were later presented with an official notice which stated that POSINCO was the owner of the premises they currently occupied.

It noted the premises were part of larger premises leased to the TCDC under a Deed of Lease dated May 4, 2001.

It said this lease had come to an end and “POSINCO has exercised its rights under the head lease to terminate the head lease and to take possession of the premises”.

Source of this programme

“This is one elegant plug-in.”

“MOVIETOWNE management last night responded to yesterday’s action at the cineplex and described it as the “high-handed, illegal and bullying actions of the Port Authority”. “Trinbago Commercial Development Company Ltd…”

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Source Link: https://trinidadexpress.com/news/local/bullying-actions-of-the-port-authority/article_87dbc0d4-61c8-11ef-ac55-c36dc0849593.html

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