Celebrating the Supported Employment community at the Imagine the Possibilities Awards 2024! – Somerset County Council

Celebrating the Supported Employment community at the Imagine the Possibilities Awards 2024!  Somerset County Council

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Celebrating the Supported Employment community at the Imagine the Possibilities Awards 2024! – Somerset County Council #Celebrating #Supported #Employment #community #Imagine #Possibilities #Awards #Somerset #County #Council

Source link Google News

Source Link: https://news.google.com/rss/articles/CBMiwwFBVV95cUxPOFJ4Ty1jVXN4SHJDY2dkZWdWVGpIalYxUk1US0dTLUFwMVZ6RmV6cHpwaXB4dUQtRmN2cmNvV2oyQUQ5YUY1aU5UN3d1TlE1Z1RzUXIyWlB6aFNMNERRRUZMMkpZbVhkVE5SMGt0QXlvZEU4cEg3VDU4QlctbDVYQ3hUendOQTQ1dXpoNkg3T1lVUGs5NmI0a1ZOdm5kVk9aQmZtR0hXWkV0XzNBeEd4cU05dHIzTUlFRjcwZU1HZ2VGcnM?oc=5

Celebrating the Supported Employment community at the Imagine the Possibilities Awards 2024! – Somerset County Council:

Celebrating the Supported Employment community at the Imagine the Possibilities Awards 2024! &n…