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Climate change has brought about a rise in extreme heat events, posing significant challenges to our built environment and, more crucially, to human health. The Human Building Synergy Laboratory is undertaking a pioneering study focused on understanding how individual characteristics influence heat resilience, particularly during severe heat events. Instead of using generalized population-based heat stress indicators, our research intends to delve deeper into individual-specific responses. Most buildings today are designed with energy efficiency in mind, driven by energy codes. However, this approach does not always account for the unique ways in which individuals experience and cope with heat. By understanding individual differences in heat resilience, we can drive more human-centered building design and policy recommendations, potentially saving lives and improving wellbeing during heatwaves.

By volunteering for this research, you play a pivotal role in our quest to understand human-centric heat resilience. Your experiences and physiological responses can offer unique insights, helping to form a more comprehensive picture. This pre-screening questionnaire is the first step, designed to understand your background, health status, and prior experiences with heat. You are expected to spend a maximum time of 150 minutes in this research study if selected. For your time and participation, you will be compensated at a rate of $15 per hour.

This study, conducted by the Human Building Synergy Laboratory, has received approval from the University of Arizona’s Institutional Review Board. The IRB ensures that all research activities uphold the highest ethical standards and are conducted with utmost regard for participant safety and well-being. Our study adheres strictly to the approved guidelines and is committed to maintaining the integrity of the research process.

In order to check your eligibility, please take the pre-screening questionnaire.

If selected, our team will contact you with more details regarding the study. Your involvement, comfort, and understanding of the study are our top priorities.

Posted: June 5

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