Companies can improve the sustainability of their products at the early stages of product design

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by Kaunas University of Technology

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An interdisciplinary team of researchers from Lithuanian and Italian universities proposes a tool that allows companies to assess the circularity of their future products. The self-assessment tool emphasizes the co-creation of circular design in the early (creative) stages of product development and encourages entrepreneurs and designers to think more systematically and to collaborate better by integrating relevant stakeholders into the product development process. The study Journal of Industrial Ecology.

“The majority of existing practical tools (indicator systems) are aimed at measuring the environmental impact of products already on the market. Many companies are aware of sustainability and circularity, but they need skills and tools that will help them develop new sustainable products,” says Lina Dagilien, professor at the Faculty of Economics and Business Management at Kaunas University of Technology (KTU).

Circular Product Design Framework (CD Framework) and the self-assessment tool (CD-Tool) were created in collaboration with researchers from KTU, Politecnico di Milano and companies and are aimed at product developers, designers and entrepreneurs. The CD-Framework consists of 10 categories, with additional questions focusing on specific aspects of a given product, making it more interactive.

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“Structured information based on systems thinking was one of the benefits identified by the companies that participated in our study. Our tool helped them understand how to practically embed circularity in their products – for example, by changing packaging or production materials or integrating additional services into their circular business model,” says Professor D’Aguilien.

Researchers say product and service design can be a catalyst for the transition to a circular society. D’Aguilien says the emphasis on product design reflects a green mindset that aims to prevent damage rather than manage the consequences of irresponsible behaviour.

“Waste, pollution, increased noise and reduced biodiversity are the price society pays for environmentally harmful production. Our circular design tool highlights the importance of the planet’s limits and promotes a systemic attitude towards new product development among current and future entrepreneurs,” said Professor Dagilien, lead researcher of the Digitalization Research Group at KTU’s Faculty of Economics and Management.

In contrast to linear thinking, (CE) is linked to the Spaceship Earth idea that humanity must find its place in a circular ecosystem. CE emphasizes the benefits of both the environment and business activities. According to Dagilienė, this mindset is beneficial for companies as it allows them to create unique value propositions for their customers.

“Furthermore, in a context of tightening environmental policies and constant greenwashing, the implementation of true circular innovation in processes and products becomes increasingly important, for which companies need the knowledge and skills,” said the KTU researcher.

Digital Products Bridging the gap between research and practice

of studyThe result was a circular design framework and tool, which involved business experts in the process. Researchers observed companies applying the tool and documented the challenges they faced. According to D’Aguilien, it is important to design the circular design framework and tool. It’s a simple instrument without compromising on content.

“The gap between research and practice can be explained with the metaphor of the forest and the trees. Practitioners are interested in specific trees and their properties, while researchers are always interested in the forest as a whole, its growth trends and other characteristics. Similarly, when developing a new product, business practitioners want quick and specific solutions for their products, while researchers develop systems that focus on general trends rather than the individual needs of one company,” explains D’Aguilien.

The study by researchers from KTU Faculty of Economics and Business Management bridges the gap between research and business. The Circular Design Pre-Accelerator took four months, during which eight workshops led by experts in different fields of sustainable new product development were held.

The Pre-Accelerator received a total of 62 applications to become participants or experts, 48 ​​novel concepts underwent a rigorous evaluation and 16 proposals were selected for further work. Ultimately, 10 circular or sustainable ideas completed the Pre-Accelerator program.

“The majority of participants are small and medium-sized enterprises with limited human and financial resources, which through similar activities are able to update their knowledge and share practices with representatives from other industries,” D’Aguilien said.

During the pre-accelerator action research, the scientists collected data from participants (expert diaries, focus groups, interviews). According to D’Aguilien, the main benefits of the activity reported by practitioners were networking, knowledge sharing and broadening horizons.

Digital Products User acceptance of circular products is linked to storytelling

“Most of the ideas tested represented the technological cycle of product development: handbags, saunas, campervans, educational toys, candles and cardboard furniture. But there were also ideas for a database of sustainable suppliers in film production and products made from buckwheat husks,” says D’Aguilien.

She highlights that developing circular products can benefit from a design thinking approach that involves the final user in the product design process. This helps to create products that are appealing to the final user and understand what customers value in these products.

“For example, we found that user acceptance of circular products – especially those that are refurbished and recycled – is closely linked to visual expression and storytelling,” D’Aguilien says.

Circular or sustainable products are usually expensive (or not), so it is important to understand consumer needs from the very beginning of product development.

“Businesses need to know how much more customers are willing to pay, but it is also important to ensure that circular economy solutions do not create social inequities, which would happen if they were only affordable to high-income groups,” Professor D’Aguilien stresses.

To avoid this, you need to thoroughly analyze your customers’ needs and expectations and prototype your products and services. model.

Self-assessment tool for a recycling-oriented society The CD Tools were jointly developed by an interdisciplinary team of scientists from KTU and the Politecnico di Milano in cooperation with companies. Circularoop Website.

For more information:Lina Dagilienė et al. “Developing a Circular Design Framework: Co-creating and Validating a Circular Product and Service Design Tool” Journal of Industrial Ecology (2024). DOI: 10.1111/jiec.13494

Quote: Companies can improve product sustainability in the early stages of product design (May 29, 2024) Retrieved May 29, 2024, from

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“An interdisciplinary team of researchers from Lithuanian and Italian universities proposes a tool to help companies assess the circularity of their future products. This self-assessment tool places emphasis on co-creation…”
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