Did Michelle Ntalami give her life to Christ? See the full revelation


  • Businesswoman Michelle Ntalami announced her conversion to Christ in a long post on social media.
  • The Marini Naturals CEO said God called to her three times before she decided to give her life to Him.
  • Michelle’s followers and celebrity friends wished her well on her new journey, with some even congratulating her.

Founder and CEO of Marini Naturals Michelle Ntalami He announced that he had given his life to Christ.

Michelle Ntalami says she was in a dark place before God spoke to her. Photo: Michelle Ntalami.
Source: Instagram

Ntalami announced on social media that she saw the hand of Christ in her life.

The businessman announced that he received a call from God in 2023, when he was at rock bottom and was questioning the existence of God.

“I have done a fair amount of publicity for myself, others, and brands. But today I do it for the Lord Jesus Christ. On August 21, 2023, I ended my life. -A transformational encounter with God Himself As an intelligent businesswoman, life was great, but behind her success. , my experiences as an empath began to take a toll on me.Last year, I hit rock bottom and completely surrendered to God and questioned His existence.

When Michelle called out to God, she realized that God called her name three times and that God was speaking to her.

God revealed Himself to that influential person and assured her of His presence, which changed her life according to the letter.

“In an instant, I felt the most overwhelming rush of love and light engulf me! A thunderous, beautiful voice called my name “Michelle” three times. He blindsided me and threw me to the floor. At that moment I knew I was in danger. Then God said: “Yes, I’m real. I’ve seen your pain, and I’ve been through all of it.” Then for about an hour, God showed me a vision and revealed so many things in my life. He talked about it. Words cannot describe the depth of this conversation and the entire experience. ”

The founder and CEO of Marini Naturals said he dedicated his life to Chrst and would serve him on social media.

She revealed that God had healed her heart and that her past life was proof of that.

“After that, God isolated and sanctified me to this day. That’s why I don’t participate in social media. God even told me when to go out into the world. It’s been exactly 9 months. It happened when the time came. My life has never been so different. I wasn’t perfect. Through the blood of Jesus, and my past life proves it.”

Source: TUKO.co.ke

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“I’m obsessed with plugins because they’re smart!!”
“Businesswoman and influencer Michelle Ntalami has announced that she has given her life to Christ, revamped her social media, and deleted all snapshots of herself.”
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Source link: https://www.tuko.co.ke/entertainment/celebrities/549065-michelle-ntalami-announces-giving-life-christ-encounter-called/