Digital – Eurochild outcomes 2023

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2023 Annual Report.

Our latest research shows that children first go online at 9.6 years old, despite most online platforms only being accessible to children aged 13 and above. The reality is that children are growing up in online spaces that are not designed for them, resulting in many risks. Every second, two child sexual abuse images or videos are shared online. Children face cyberbullying and inappropriate content and contact, which puts them at risk of harm, with long-term effects on their overall well-being and development. At Eurochild, we envision a digital space that respects children’s rights by design, protecting them from harm and abuse and enabling them to harness the benefits of the internet while exercising their agency as digital citizens.

For this reason, we participate in EU and national advocacy activities, working to promote policies and legislation on children’s rights in the digital environment, in particular the prevention of online harms. Through the Eurochild Member Taskforce on Children’s Rights in the Digital Environment, we develop knowledge and capacities for our members and children to participate in Eurochild’s advocacy activities, including peer-to-peer learning and sharing of experiences. Furthermore, as experts in children’s own lives, we bring children’s voices to the debate through our Protection through Online Participation (PoP) and VOICE projects. In a year, we have positioned Eurochild as a reference organization for civil society, industry and policymakers in the field of children’s rights online.

Our track record


In celebration of Safer Internet Day 2023Eurochild calls on European institutions to prioritise the best interests of children, including their right to have a say in their online and offline safety. Turn on child safety A campaign calling on lawmakers and tech companies to work together to stop online sexual abuse.

We met with policymakers and industry, participated in numerous public events and managed to form a robust multi-stakeholder network on online child safety. Particularly noteworthy, we maintained a good working relationship with the Spanish Presidency of the Council of the EU and were able to directly influence different proposals submitted to other Member States. We joined ECLAG, a coalition of over 60 organizations working to end online and offline child sexual abuse, and collaborated with the LIBE Committee (European Parliament’s Committee on Civil Liberties, Justice and Home Affairs). Open Letter We exchanged views on how to strengthen the current legislation.

We are increasing pressure on proposed EU regulations to combat child sexual abuse and other relevant EU policies on children’s rights online, in particular the Digital Services Act.

We call on EU policymakers to: Draft Opinion The European Parliament’s Committee on Internal Market and Consumer Protection (IMCO) has recommended the inclusion of measures to strengthen online child protection. The opinion states: EU proposals to prevent and combat child sexual abuseSimilarly, we Responded An evaluation by the European Parliamentary Research Service (EPRS) and the Council of Europe Legal Service criticised the viability of the proposals and feared they could jeopardise the great progress made by the European Commission. We successfully submitted amendments to the LIBE Committee that would have strengthened the protection of children’s rights in the proposals, but the amendments were rejected in the final Committee vote. As the adopted final report did not meet minimum standards for online child protection, we Open letter in collaboration with ECLAG.

Fabiola Bas Palomares Interviewed Eurochild’s position on the proposed EU regulation to combat child sexual abuse comes at a crucial time ahead of the EU Council vote this November, with the National Federation of Child Protection Organisations (CNAPE) seeking to clarify why this regulation is important in France, where the country is skeptical of it. A statement was issued To maintain pressure.

September 19, 2023 Met with survivors, Young people, other children’s rights organisations and other advocates from across the European Union gathered in Brussels Calling on Leaders to “Clean the Internet” Protect your children from sexual predators and stay safe online.

On the occasion of Italian Day Against Pedophilia ” Marie Louise Coleiro Preca, president of Eurochild on child pornography and child sexual assault, was in Rome to speak at an event organised by Eurochild member Telefono Azzurro and said:Voluntary detection and reporting by companies has proven insufficient to adequately protect children. Policymakers must hold companies accountable.”

It has been renewed Initiatives for the euCONSENT project By participating on the Phase II Advisory Committee. Eurochild’s role is to provide feedback on the project’s progress from a children’s rights perspective and to promote age verification and assurance systems that protect the full range of children’s rights online..

we Special Group on Codes of Conduct Age-appropriate designThis marks an important step towards the implementation of the Digital Services Act (DSA).

We have strengthened national regulations on online safety through capacity building with our members and through activities such as: Ireland’s first binding online safety law code by Providing input to the Media CommitteeIreland’s broadcast, on-demand and online safety regulator.

In collaboration with the VOICE Project consortium, formed by Eurochild, ECPAT International and Terre des Hommes Nederland, we have published a report entitled “Behind the Screen: Early Results from the VOICE Study It explores the challenges parents and guardians face in tackling online child sexual abuse and calls for increased support from all stakeholders to protect children online. A total of 316 children and 6,618 parents were consulted.

Member Development

Together with ECPAT International and Missing Children Europe, and with the support of ECLAG, we led a national activation campaign across Europe, equipping members of the three organisations with the tools to defend the EU’s proposed Regulation on Combating Child Sexual Abuse at national level, aiming to influence ministerial decisions to support the Regulation in the Council of the EU.

We have held numerous meetings with our members to support them in their education and help them navigate the complex world of combating online child sexual abuse through automated detection tools, which are at the core of EU regulations to combat child sexual abuse. We have created a dedicated member group to work on the subject, held nine webinars with Eurochild members to build our capacity to advocate for child safety online more broadly, and produced five detailed policy briefs with relevant EU policy updates.

Use your energyRudoren’s voice

In collaboration with ECPAT International and Terre des Hommes Netherlands, we interviewed 483 children and 6,600 parents about online safety issues. WebinarsWhat kids say about online safety: What do we still need to learn to effectively address online child sexual exploitation and abuse?’ and later this year report”Behind the Screen: Early Results from the VOICE Study It delves into the challenges parents and guardians face in addressing online child sexual abuse and calls for increased support from all stakeholders to protect children online. The webinar and launch brought together civil society, including academia, to discuss available research on child safety online and the role of parents in protecting children from online sexual abuse.

We too Partnering with the United Nations Holding a local dialogue with children about online violence. During the discussion, three representatives of Eurochild’s Children’s Council and children from member organisations expressed their opinions and concerns.

Read the full 2023 Annual Report

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“I love modules because they are so useful!!”
“Annual Report 2023. Our latest research shows that children will go online for the first time at age 9.6, even though most online platforms are not yet accessible…”
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