Diverse opinions from Tobago business groups on THA reorganization


Tobago correspondent

The Tobago Chamber of Commerce and Industry believes changes to the Tobago Assembly (THA) Executive Council could help improve the economy, which will be good for Tobago businesses. But other chambers of commerce on the island said the appointment was a waste.

On Monday, seven THA members were reappointed and one secretary was demoted and replaced by an assistant secretary. Chief Secretary Farley Augustine also announced his resignation as Treasury Secretary.

Regional Development and Sport Secretary Terrence Baines has been moved to Infrastructure as Permanent Secretary and appointed Deputy Chair. He is scheduled to receive his appointment letter today.

Joel Sampson was promoted to replace Baynes as Director.

T&T Chamber of Commerce and Industry (TTCIC) Tobago branch president Curtis Williams said he expected Mr Baines to encourage major construction projects to stimulate the business sector.

“Most of the people on the ground are waiting for the deliverables mentioned. That is the focus right now. They are nearing the end of their term, so most people are looking at the performance of this Congress based on the deliverables. “We’ll have to judge,” he said.

“We don’t know what the Secretary is thinking. We can only see what’s on the outside. We’re evaluating each department to make sure they’re delivering on their promises. We want to see that, and that’s what Tobago’s people and the business community are looking at.”

Williams said the department’s performance will be evaluated based on what was promised and what was actually delivered, not what Augustine intended.

“This is a promotion for Sampson, but I wouldn’t call it a promotion. He was an assistant secretary, but now he heads up community development. Perhaps based on his track record, I would not call it a promotion. probably decided to move him into that position to have a better impact in the department.

“We will have a few months to evaluate him. Next year everyone will be in election mode, so it will be a while before we get feedback from him, but we I’m looking forward to seeing what he does.”

Mr Williams pointed to the importance of this realignment for the business community, especially as the general and THA elections approach.

“Personnel changes must be development-generating because the island needs development. We need a game changer. We want meaningful infrastructure development that benefits the Tobago region. That’s what we want from this strategic realignment,” he said. .

“We in the business community are facing a bit of a challenge right now. There are bumps here and there, and we need to smooth out these rough stops before the end of this Congress’s life.”

Williams said the chamber will evaluate THA’s performance once the executive changes are finalized.

Tobago Chamber of Commerce and Industry president Martin George said the appointments were “much ado about nothing”.

He said the personnel changes that had been rumored for nearly two years turned out to have little substance.

“It’s just a fleeting moment and we shouldn’t spend too much time on the Tobago space and this Tobago location. What we have to focus on is what fuels Tobago’s economy, crime ”.

George said the reorganization, which made changes to key positions, should have been more meaningful.

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“This is also a smart ingredient!!”
“Tobago Correspondent The Tobago Chamber of Commerce and Industry believes that changes to the Tobago Assembly (THA) Executive Council could help improve the economy, and that…”
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Source link: http://www.guardian.co.tt/news/mixed-views-from-tobago-business-groups-to-tha-reshuffle-6.2.2003023.8b784d243b