Drive more bookings: innovative strategies for hotel landing pages


Over the past 25 years, it has become clear that most hotels are failing to properly capitalize on the opportunities presented by seasonal vacation and event business drivers. Two factors contribute to these sub-optimal revenue opportunities: (1) DOSM does not have enough time and resources to organize marketing materials. (2) The hotel does not have the ability to create a marketing landing page on his website. “On the fly” applies especially to branded properties.

Today, potential guests are overwhelmed by endless social media distractions. Hotels need to block out the noise and direct potential guests to the booking button. This is where promotional landing pages come into play. These targeted, conversion-focused “sales pages” are a powerful tool for hotels looking to drive direct bookings and enhance their marketing campaigns.

What is the difference between a landing page and a main website?

  • Laser focus: The hotel’s website provides a wealth of information about rooms, amenities, location, and more. However, the landing page focuses on: single promotions, packages, or events. This minimizes distractions and puts visitors on a direct path to conversion.
  • Customized messaging: Landing pages allow establishments to communicate directly to specific audience segments. Whether it’s a romantic weekend getaway for couples or a summer vacation package for families, hotels can customize content that resonates with their target audience.
  • Streamlined actions: Every element of your landing page supports the main goal of getting your visitors to book. Compelling calls to action, such as “Book now” or “Claim your offer,” create a sense of urgency and clarify the desired action.

From social media posts to hotel reservations

“Infinite scrolling” has become a staple of consumers’ routines. Modern social media feeds are truly never-ending, updated instantly with endless photos, videos, and updates. This easy design makes using social media one of the most addictive activities for Americans today.

To stand out and capture potential guest revenue opportunities, hotels should enhance their social media marketing posts with engaging messaging and leverage custom landing pages to further support messaging and revenue opportunities.

According to a survey from politicianthe daily minutes spent on social networking by internet users around the world from 2012 to 2024.

— Source: Lodging Interactive

Key benefits of custom hotel landing pages

  1. Focused messaging: Custom landing pages allow hotels to deliver targeted messages tailored to specific audiences.some text
    • Example: A post promoting a romantic getaway could lead to a landing page dedicated to Valentine’s Day packages and an SRP code that enables booking conversions.
  2. Reduce distractions: Unlike typical website pages, landing pages eliminate distractions and lead visitors directly to the desired action.some text
    • For example: A clear “Book Now” button eliminates the need to navigate through multiple pages.
  3. Enhanced user experience: A well-designed landing page provides an intuitive and visually appealing experience.some text
    • For example: High-quality images and text descriptions of hotel amenities create an emotional connection.
  4. Data collection: Landing pages allow hotels to collect valuable guest data for future marketing efforts.some text
    • Examples: Capture RFP data for weddings and group events, and email addresses for personalized newsletters.

By leveraging custom landing pages in conjunction with enhanced social media marketing posts, hotels can significantly increase their booking conversion rates.

Landing page service designed for hoteliers

— Source: Lodging Interactive

Lodging Interactive commingle 360 ​​service, hotel marketers can offer their social media followers custom landing pages for seasonal specials and events that drive local demand. This makes it easy to showcase exclusive offers on social media. When a customer is ready to book, they are seamlessly directed to the hotel’s branded booking engine.

Watch the instructional video for more information. To schedule a demonstration of our services, please visit: Website.

Business About Lodging Interactive

Since its establishment in 2001, accommodation interactive has provided digital marketing services to hotels around the world, including select service, full service, and luxury hotels.

our social media marketing and guest review department; CoMMingle:Engageserves a variety of hospitality businesses, including hotels, restaurants, spas, and management companies.

In addition, we offer subscription-based Website Development and Digital Marketing Services. Subscription-based services are based on a “pay-as-you-go” model and require little up-front investment on the part of the hotel.

We continue to innovate by introducing support services that enhance our key business areas. Recently released, Commingle 360a custom landing page service aimed at driving direct bookings through posting social media content.

Lodging Interactive has won numerous awards including: HSMAI Adrian Award He has also received honors from the International Academy of Visual Arts, Interactive Media Awards, Horizon Interactive Awards, Web Marketing Association, Academy of Interactive & Visual Arts, and Travel Weekly’s Magellan Awards.

For more information please email us [email protected], call 877-291-4411 ext. 704, or Visit the company website.

DJ Valauri
president and founder
1 877 291 4411

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This is another elegant item!
“Over the past 25 years, it has become clear that most hotels are not properly capitalizing on the opportunities presented by seasonal holiday and event business drivers. Lack of optimization…”
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