DVIDS – News – MSC CIVMAR and Influencer Explains Merchant Marine Life At-Sea through Viral Platform

Vanessa Mongiovi is an influencer on the social media platform TikTok and has garnered almost 50 thousand followers with more than 418 thousand likes, as of May 30, 2024. Her biography teases visitors to ‘follow me if you are interested in being a merchant mariner’.

She is well qualified to give advice to would-be applicants and those with mild curiosities. In her professional life, she is a civil-service mariner, or CIVMAR, for Military Sealift Command.

A CIVMAR is a federal government employee who pursues a civil service, Navy career while assigned aboard U.S. government-owned ships that support the Navy’s warfighters and warfighting platforms around the world.

Since CIVMARs account for approximately 80 percent of MSC’s workforce, CIVMARs’ service is the backbone of MSC’s mission and they play a vital role in the Navy’s ability to operate forward every day.

Mongiovi, a yeoman storekeeper, from Williamsburg, Va., is assigned to Lewis and Clark-class dry cargo ship USNS William McLean (T-AKE 12).

On her social media channel, behind her friendly demeanor and conversational tone, she tackles various topics of interest to prospective applicants, or those with propensity to become a merchant marine: ‘a day at work as a merchant mariner’ (1.8 million views); ‘how is the pay?’ (1.3 million views); and ‘cleaning my stateroom time’ (2.4 million views).

Those are just a few examples of how she gives her visitors a sample of what it’s like to be a CIVMAR for MSC.

Her reach is not just pointed at the prospective applicants. She also addresses hot-topic items for new hires on how to navigate the administrative processes within MSC.

According to Mongiovi, one of the reasons she started the merchant-mariner content was to create visibility on the everyday life of being a mariner; and how they contribute to enhance the Navy’s readiness.

“After six years’ experience, I truly believe that merchant mariners do not receive enough recognition for what they do,” said Mongiovi. “I wanted to spread knowledge and shine the light on all that we do on a daily basis in order to supply the Navy at sea with cargo, food, fuel, mail, and everything else.”

She started her career as a supply utilityman in 2018 on the Blue Ridge-class command and control ship USS Mount Whitney (LCC 20), for 10 months. She then moved on to fast combat support ship USNS Arctic (T-AOE 8) for six months back in 2019, before settling aboard the USNS William McLean, and has been there since.

She remained a supply utilityman until 2021 and moved to the logistic side of the Supply Department. She then became an assistant storekeeper until June 2023, when she became a yeoman storekeeper.

In the six years, MSC has taken her to 22 countries: Dubai, Bahrain, Spain, Scotland, Germany, Djibouti, Oman, Greece, Italy, Israel, Gabon, Senegal, Portugal, France, Croatia, Lithuania, Norway, Portland, Plymouth, London, Poland, and Canada.

“If you go to the right ports, it can feel like a vacation that never ends and one that you get paid for while traveling,” said Mongiovi. “The reason I took this job was because I got to travel the world, and the money came along with it.”

Mongiovi is originally from Carini, a town in Sicily, Italy. She, along with her family, immigrated to Williamsburg, Va., in 1999. At 9-years-old, she had to adapt to a new environment that included a new school in a new country. She started in 4th grade and only knew a few words in English.

By 2015, she would earn an associate’s degree from Thomas Nelson Community College in Hampton, Va.

The past six years has presented Mongiovi was lasting memories, but the best experience she credits as a mariner was returning home to her childhood town when her ship made a stop in Sicily, and she was able to visit Carini, after being away for more than 25 years.

“I can’t begin to describe the emotions I felt leading up to seeing my family, my hometown, the house I grew up in, the church I used to go to, the school I used to go to, and my grandparents’ house,” said Mongiovi. “It was bitter sweet. I finally made it back; however, my grandparents weren’t there to see me. They both passed away years ago. Going back home has been on my bucket list for many years and with MSC I was finally able to realize it.”

The launch of Mongiovi’s career started as a mere curiosity. She always wanted a traveling job but wasn’t sure where to start, or what that occupation would entail. She thought about joining the military but didn’t like the concept of having to commit to a four-year contract.

Fortunately, Mongiovi had a family member who was a merchant marine. She would often listen to his stories of the job, travel and adventure.

“Back in 2016 my niece’s dad was a merchant mariner, and every time he came home I got a little more curious to what his job was about,” said Mongiovi. “He was the only person I knew with that type of job. I always wanted to travel and so I would ask him about it.”

Mongiovi knew that she wanted to take a shot at being a merchant marine. However, she had to fight through some stereotypes and perceptions regarding the occupation.

She thought it was mainly men in the workforce, and with no one close to her age. She thought she would be home sick, she was afraid of the ocean, or she wasn’t going to like any of the jobs that would be offered to her because she wasn’t good enough.

“I was afraid to leave my comfort zone and of everything that I thought this job was going to be,” said Mongiovi. “However, it was the complete opposite, in a positive way, and the job turned out to be all I wanted, and more.”

Now, through her social media channels, Mongiovi hopes to educate those who have some apprehensions or uncertainty. She wants to share awareness about merchant mariners and how anyone can join regardless of age as long as they are fit to do the job.

According to Mongiovi, her TikTok channel went from 1,000 follower, Jan. 16, 2024, to 39,000 in a month and a half after she uploaded a video titled ‘A day at work as a merchant mariner’. The viral numbers are indicative of a genuine interest in the seafaring occupation.

“What drives me the most is being able to give people what I didn’t have coming into this job,” said Mongiovi. “I came into it with no knowledge on what a merchant mariner really was. It scared me to even come into this field not knowing what it was and what it entailed. It took me 2-3 years to finally convince myself to go for it.

“For example, a lot of people, including myself, wrongly believed that you had to have been in the military to have this job. I wanted to clear things up and give anyone who was willing to listen to me an opportunity to learn about the merchant marines and possibly joining and making a career out of it. I am willing to help anyone who is willing to listen.”

Mongiovi, who goes by Nessa @vmon420 on TikTok, believes that social media is a great tool for reaching the masses and perfectly fits her personality because she is open to being vulnerable and transparent; and people can relate to her. The proof is in the hundreds of comments from people who thanked her and credited her for the inspiration that nudged them to join the merchant marines.

“I honestly do not want the ‘fear of the unknown’ surrounding this job to discourage anyone from taking a chance on this opportunity,” said Nessa. “Therefore, that’s why my content plays a part on shining the light on what we actually do.”

For more information on becoming a CIVMAR, visit https://sealiftcommand.com.

MSC directs and supports operations for approximately 140 civilian-crewed ships that replenish U.S. Navy ships at sea, conduct specialized missions, preposition combat cargo at sea around the world, perform a variety of support services, and move military equipment and supplies to deployed U.S. forces. Celebrating its 75th anniversary in 2024, MSC exists to support the joint warfighter across the full spectrum of military operations, with a workforce that includes approximately 6,000 Civil Service Mariners and 1,100 contract mariners, supported by 1,500 shore staff and 1,400 active duty and reserve military personnel.

Date Taken:05.30.2024
Date Posted:05.29.2024 17:16
Story ID:472496
Location:NORFOLK, VA, US

Web Views:307


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DVIDS – News – MSC CIVMAR and Influencer Explains Merchant Marine Life At-Sea through Viral Platform #DVIDS #News #MSC #CIVMAR #Influencer #Explains #Merchant #Marine #Life #AtSea #Viral #Platform

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Source Link: https://www.dvidshub.net/news/472496/msc-civmar-and-influencer-explains-merchant-marine-life-sea-through-viral-platform