Ella reacts to Kamla’s gun story | News Extra | trinidadexpress.com

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When officers must use force in the course of their duties, “it must be necessary, lawful and proportionate,” Police Commissioner Ella Christopher said.

In a statement last night, the Trinidad and Tobago Police Service (TTPS) called for clarification of police use of force policies.

On Monday night, Opposition Leader Kamla Persad-Bissessar encouraged all police officers, saying: “If a criminal points a gun at you, shoots at you or attacks you, shoot back with all your might, protect yourself and do not hesitate. Hesitating can cost you your life.”

She said she fully supported police officers taking a firm stance against violent criminals, but warned members of the public that “if an officer points a gun at them or attacks them, putting their lives at risk, police have the right to defend themselves with lethal force.”

In a TTPS statement last night, Christopher said the department has a clear mandate to maintain the peace and uncover crimes and other breaches of the law.

While Christopher did not directly refer to Persad-Bissessar’s remarks, he outlined the policy on the use of force.

“How we discharge these obligations will determine how we are perceived by the public and whether we earn the much-needed trust and confidence to discharge our responsibilities.”

“We are given wide discretionary powers, but in exercising those powers we must comply with laws and policies, including the Police Act 2006, section 4(1) of the Criminal Code and the Constitution of Trinidad and Tobago.”

“Article 4(1) of the Penal Code provides for the use of force, appropriate in the circumstances, in preventing crime and in carrying out or assisting in the apprehension of criminals or persons illegally at large. We always bear in mind that in exercising our powers, we must always respect the rule of law and the rights and privileges of all citizens. We must always be accountable for our actions,” Christopher said.

She noted that police officers act in accordance with the “Use of Force Policy,” which states that “police officers must strive to protect the safety and security of themselves and others in the performance of their duties.”

“We understand that officers make decisions to use force, sometimes under ‘difficult and unpredictable unique circumstances,’ but when such force is used it must be necessary, lawful and proportionate. Officers who act in violation of this will be held accountable. We continue to train our officers in the use of force in accordance with our organization’s Use of Force Policy, which has a Use of Force continuum that guides the different levels of force that can be used in response to resistance,” Christopher said.

The continuum includes:

• Mere existence

• communication;

• Escort Techniques

• Machine Control

• Chemical irritants

• Impact Weapons

• Deadly force.

“Officers are also trained in the use of less-lethal and moderate weaponry such as tasers and pepper spray to ensure they can carry out their duties effectively. We are fully aware of the risks and challenges police officers face every day. We see what types of weapons are in the hands of those bent on disrupting the lives of law-abiding citizens. We will continue to work hard to provide a safe and secure environment for all,” Christopher said.

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“This is another clever add-on!”
“When police officers must use force in the line of duty, ‘it must be necessary, lawful and proportionate,'” Police Commissioner Ella Christopher said.
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Source link: https://trinidadexpress.com/newsextra/erla-responds-to-kamlas-gun-talk/article_ff1d624e-1d74-11ef-a81a-abba10c8658e.html