Exclusive: Nyashinski and producer Cedo fall out over Sh10 million deal

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A disagreement over a multi-million deal between rapper Nyashinski and his long-time friend, music producer Cedric ‘Cedo’ Kadenyi, could be the reason the ‘Mungu Pekee’ hitmaker has pulled 20 of his hit songs from Spotify and Apple Music.

A spot check by Nairobi News two days ago revealed that over 20 of Nyashinski’s records that were originally available on streaming giants like Spotify and Apple Music are no longer available.

Jams such as Kebs, Hapo Tu, Mungu Pekee, Aminia, Properly, Marathon Runner, Kabla Tudie, Lift Me Up, Malaika and many more are no longer available for streaming on Spotify and Apple. However, the songs are still available on YouTube.

An in-depth analysis reveals that most of the songs removed from these platforms have a common denominator. Almost all of the songs that are now unavailable were produced by the same music producer and composer, Cedo.

Nairobi News has since established that the move may have been triggered by a disagreement between the two friends over a multi-million deal.

“What I hear is that the two had a falling out over a Sh10 million-plus deal. Shinski landed a mega jingle deal from one of the country’s telecom companies. He approached Cedo to produce the jingles and offered to pay him Sh1 million, which the producer initially agreed to,” a source told Nairobi News.

However, on second thought, Cedo wanted to know how much the deal was worth through his connections with the telecom company.

“Cedo and Shinski have come a long way, which means they know each other very well. I think for some reason Cedo, had a gut instinct to find out how much the deal was worth. They have both secured deals from Telecom [companies] before,” the source added.

Cedo’s move only fanned the flames.

“To his shock, Cedo discovered that Shinski had signed a deal of over Sh10 million for the jingles and couldn’t believe that he was only offering to pay him Sh1 million, so he demanded more and this orchestrated their disagreement,” the source continues.

In retaliation, the source claims Shinski made most of his songs produced by Cedo.

“This simply means that Cedo won’t be able to earn any royalties from those songs for which they share publishing rights. What I don’t understand is why Shinski would make such a move, which also affects him directly.”

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“A disagreement over a multi-million deal between rapper Nyashinski and his long-time friend, music producer Cedric ‘Cedo’ Kadenyi, could be the reason the ‘Mungu Pekee’ hitmaker has pulled 20 of…”

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Source Link: https://nairobinews.nation.africa/exclusive-nyashinski-and-producer-cedo-fall-out-over-sh10-million-deal/

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