Factsheet: EU-New Zealand Trade Agreement – Trade in services and digital trade

The EU-New Zealand FTA builds upon existing international commitments and expands opportunities for EU and New Zealand services suppliers to supply their services abroad.

The FTA aims to provide service suppliers with stability and certainty when accessing the other’s market.

It guarantees that European service suppliers are able to establish an enterprise in New Zealand in order to supply the vast majority of services on an equal footing with domestic service suppliers, as well as those from another country.

EU service suppliers will not be required to have local presence (i.e. a representative office or form of enterprise such as a branch) in New Zealand in order to supply those services where New Zealand has undertaken commitments to allow the supply of a service on a cross-border basis.

The EU and New Zealand have undertaken substantial commitments applicable to most service sectors not to impose quantitative restrictions, including on the number of service suppliers, the total value of service transactions, or the total number of service operations, including by way of requiring an economic needs test in order to supply a particular service.

The FTA will also improve regulatory conditions for services suppliers.

The EU and New Zealand have committed to facilitate the provision of professional services by encouraging mutual recognition of professional qualifications.

Both the EU and New Zealand must ensure clear, transparent, fair, and timely processes for service suppliers to acquire the licenses or qualifications necessary to supply their services. This includes endeavouring to accept electronic applications and accepting copies of authenticated documents in place of originals where possible.

The FTA will facilitate the supply of services by EU enterprises to New Zealand in a range of sectors, including delivery, telecommunications, maritime transport and financial services

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Source Link: https://policy.trade.ec.europa.eu/eu-trade-relationships-country-and-region/countries-and-regions/new-zealand/eu-new-zealand-agreement/factsheet-eu-new-zealand-trade-agreement-trade-services-and-digital-trade_en

Factsheet: EU-New Zealand Trade Agreement – Trade in services and digital trade:

The EU-New Zealand FTA builds upon existing international commitments and expands opportunities for …