FM says Egypt made significant progress in providing ICT’s supportive infrastructure

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The Egyptian state has made significant progress in providing supportive infrastructure for developing information technology and attracting investments in this vital and important sector, Minister of Foreign Affairs, Immigration, and Egyptians Expatriates Badr Abdelatty said.

Abdelatty’s remarks came during his meeting on Friday 23/8/2024 with Japanese Minister of Digital Transformation Taro Kono in Tokyo, said Spokesman for the Foreign Ministry Ahmed Abu Zeid.

The foreign minister is currently visiting Japan to participate in the ministerial meeting of the ninth Tokyo International Conference on African Development (TICAD).

During the meeting, the two sides mulled ways to boost areas of bilateral cooperation and enhance Egypt’s benefit from Japanese expertise in the field of digitalization, communications, and information technology, the spokesman added.

The top Egyptian diplomat stressed that the strategic partnership between Egypt and Japan should be reflected in various areas of cooperation, particularly cooperation in the domain of startups, for being the driving force of global economies, including companies operating in information technology.

Abdelatty also emphasized that the exchange of expertise in this important field would unleash the latent potential of Egyptian and Japanese startups and open unprecedented horizons for cooperation between the two sides.

The foreign minister noted that Egypt was ready to establish various institutional mechanisms for this purpose.

Abdelatty stated Egypt looks forward to cooperating with Japan in artificial intelligence with all its various regulatory, technical, and practical aspects, through enhancing mutual coordination on the code of conduct and regulatory rules currently being formulated for AI governance.

For his part, Kono expressed his appreciation for the positive and distinguished path of Egyptian-Japanese relations in recent years.

The Japanese minister was briefed on Abdelatty’s assessment of regional developments and Egypt’s mediation efforts to reach a ceasefire in the Gaza Strip and avert the expansion of the conflict in the region.

Kono voiced Japan’s appreciation of Egypt’s pivotal role in the region as a key pillar of peace and stability in the Middle East.

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“The Egyptian state has made significant progress in providing supportive infrastructure for developing information technology and attracting investments in this vital and important sector, Minister of Foreign Affairs, Immigration, and…”

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