FRSC: 92 drivers transporting fuel in jerry cans were arrested and forced to pour the contents into their vehicle tanks.

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FRSC intercepted 92 drivers transporting fuel in jerry cans and forced them to pour the contents into vehicle tanks.

The agency advised drivers and passengers not to carry fuel in barrels as it is dangerous.

Amid fuel shortages, Federal Road Safety Corps (FRSC) has advised drivers and passengers in Nigeria not to transport petroleum products in jerrycans due to the risks involved.

The agency said in a statement:
It added that patrol teams intercepted a total of 92 drivers transporting fuel in jerry cans and forced them to pour the contents into the tanks of their vehicles.

FRSC intercepted 92 drivers transporting fuel in jerry cans and forced them to pour the contents into vehicle tanks.

“Following the Corps Marshal’s directive on inspection of vehicles loaded with fuel with jerry cans, a total of 92 drivers were found to have engaged in such dangerous practices in Rivers State.”

“FRSC personnel confirmed that fuel was safely injected into the vehicle’s tank.”

“Due to the risks involved, we strongly advise drivers and passengers not to carry petroleum products in barrels,” the agency said in a statement.

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“The FRSC arrested 92 drivers transporting fuel in jerry cans and forced them to pour the contents into the tanks of their vehicles. Authorities advised drivers and passengers not to transport fuel in barrels due to the danger. …”
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