Garbarino, Valadao, Fitzpatrick propose funding to update Merchant Marine Academy

A bipartisan bill offered by U.S. Reps. Andrew Garbarino (R-NY), David Valadao (R-CA), and Brian Fitzpatrick (R-PA) would authorize federal funds to rehabilitate, modernize, and construct facilities and infrastructure at the U.S. Merchant Marine Academy (USMMA) in Kings Point, N.Y. 

“Maritime security is critical to our national security, and yet the academy has been allowed to fall into disrepair, threatening recruitment efforts as well as the quality of education the academy can provide,” Rep. Garbarino said. “With this legislation, we aim to upgrade and modernize the USMMA’s facilities so that we may continue to produce best-in-class mariners and ensure the strength of our national sea power.”

The congressman on May 22 sponsored H.R. 8498 alongside 10 original cosponsors, including Rep. Valadao, Rep. Fitzpatrick, and U.S. Rep. Tom Suozzi (D-NY), to authorize funds that would support the implementation of the Full Speed Ahead infrastructure plan created by The Maritime Security Infrastructure Council to address critical infrastructure needs at the USMMA.

Specifically, funding would be authorized from fiscal years (FYs) 2024 through 2034, with funding in FY 2025 totaling $54 million for design and planning purchases at the USMMA, according to the text of the bill. 

For each of FYs 2026 through 2034, roughly $107.3 million would be authorized under H.R. 8498 for construction and contingency purchases necessary to execute the design and construction, the text says. 

The USMMA is one of the nation’s five federal service academies and is responsible for educating and training mariners who are licensed Merchant Marine Officers and commissioned officers in the U.S. Armed Forces, and USMMA graduates play a critical role in supporting U.S. military readiness and protecting the nation’s economic interests around the world during times of peace, the lawmakers said.

“Unfortunately, the USMMA campus has faced years of underinvestment and the result is deteriorating facilities and substandard living conditions for our midshipmen,” said Rep. Valadao. “We must ensure this historic academy has the resources necessary to continue producing the finest maritime experts anywhere in the world.”

Reps. Garbarino, Suozzi, and Valadao serve on the USMMA Board of Visitors, an oversight board in the Executive Branch established by Congress to provide independent advice and recommendations on significant matters relating to the academy.

Rep. Suozzi said H.R. 8498 “will greatly contribute to ensuring that USMMA remains a premier institution for years to come.”

Rep. Fitzpatrick also noted that the USMMA’s outdated and deteriorating infrastructure has been neglected for far too long, critically undermining mission-essential training and hindering recruitment efforts. 

“This grave neglect poses a significant threat to both our national security and economic stability,” the congressman said. “I am proud to join Congressman Garbarino and my colleagues in our shared commitment to providing the midshipmen with the advanced technology, comprehensive training, specialized education, and essential resources they deserve and need to successfully execute their noble mission of serving and safeguarding our nation.”

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Garbarino, Valadao, Fitzpatrick propose funding to update Merchant Marine Academy #Garbarino #Valadao #Fitzpatrick #propose #funding #update #Merchant #Marine #Academy

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