Google AI search tells users to glue pizza and eat rocks

Image source, Getty Images

  • Author, Liv McMahon
  • Role, Technology reporter

Google’s new artificial intelligence (AI) search feature is facing criticism for providing erratic, inaccurate answers.

Its experimental “AI Overviews” tool has told some users searching for how to make cheese stick to pizza better that they could use “non-toxic glue”.

The search engine’s AI-generated responses have also said geologists recommend humans eat one rock per day.

A Google spokesperson told the BBC they were “isolated examples”.

Some of the answers appeared to be based on Reddit comments or articles written by satirical site, The Onion.

But Google insisted the feature was generally working well.

“The examples we’ve seen are generally very uncommon queries, and aren’t representative of most people’s experiences,” it said in a statement.

“The vast majority of AI overviews provide high quality information, with links to dig deeper on the web.”

It said it had taken action where “policy violations” were identified and was using them to refine its systems.

It is not the first time the company has run into problems with its AI-powered products.

In February, it was forced to pause its chatbot Gemini which was criticised for its “woke” responses.

It works by using AI to provide a summary of search results, so users do not have to scroll through a long list of websites to find the information they are seeking.

However, it is likely to be widely used – and trusted – because Google search remains the go-to search engine for many.

According to web traffic tracker, Statcounter, Google’s search engine accounts for more than 90% of the global market.

It is still fundamental to the way in which Google makes its money, and a service the firm needs to both protect and future-proof.

Why wade through pages of search engine results and adverts to find information if a chatbot can give you a single, definitive answer?

But this only works if you can trust it.

So-called hallucinations by generative AI tools are not just a problem for Google, but as the world’s largest search engine it gets more scrutiny.

In one baffling example, a reporter Googling whether they could use gasoline to cook spaghetti faster was told “no… but you can use gasoline to make a spicy spaghetti dish” and given a recipe.

We don’t know how many searches it got right (because they’re less funny to share on social media), but AI search clearly needs to be able to handle anything thrown at it, including the more leftfield.

Rival firms are facing a similar backlash over their attempts to cram more AI tools into their consumer-facing products.

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Google AI search tells users to glue pizza and eat rocks #Google #search #tells #users #glue #pizza #eat #rocks

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