Google fixing News and Discover following Search outages

If you’ve noticed some weird behavior in Google Search today, the company has just confirmed that limited outages are causing “some features” to not work properly while some users are reporting problems with Discover and News.

In a post on Twitter/X this morning, Google confirmed that it is aware of issues with “some features” in Search. The problem, Google says, is that certain features aren’t serving properly. The good news, though, is that the problem has already been found and a fix is coming.

There’s an ongoing issue with serving some features in Google Search. We’ve identified the issue and we’re working on a fix.

What are these features?

Google didn’t specifically say, but some users have noticed that Google News and Google Discover aren’t working properly this morning. SERoundtable first noticed that the “News” tab in Google Search wasn’t bringing back results earlier this morning, while Google Discover on Android phones and the Google app weren’t loading properly either.

Both of those issues appear to be resolved on our end, with News and Discover working throughout all locations we’ve tested thus far. Your results may vary, though.

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Google fixing News and Discover following Search outages #Google #fixing #News #Discover #Search #outages

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