Government of Aragon digitizes management of public procurement files

Digital Products


May 28, 20243 minutes

Digital TransformationGovernment

Digital Products The regional executive will introduce the new manager with the aim of streamlining and improving file handling and management, simplifying processes and ensuring agility, efficiency and security.

The Aragonese Government’s Directorate General of Contracts, Assets and Organizations, dependent on the Ministry of Finance and Public Administration, is taking a step forward in its digital transformation strategy. With the help of DCX technology, the region’s executives are: Digital tools aimed at streamlining and improving the processing and management of public procurement files, simplifying procedures and providing greater agility, efficiency and security. With the new Public Procurement File Manager, All records are handled electronically and completely, while providing greater transparency, security and integrity to the process. of the area in question.

As the administrator has already announced, Integrate with corporate e-government toolsthe Economic and Financial Management System, and applications under development related to public procurement for the Aragonese Government. Likewise, this new function is interconnected with the Public Sector Contracting Platform to comply with the obligations of transparency and public information in the tendering procedures of the Aragonese Government.

New Tools Allows electronic processing of contract files (Over 2,000 cases per year from approximately 100 contracting organizations and over 1,000 processing users), From the preparation stage to the conclusion and closing stagesAdditionally, it allows Create and manage files with all the documents that make them up, and leverage all your data. It also includes the ability to export and transfer electronic contract files and send them to requesting management and oversight organizations.

Digital Products Agility and confidence in your processes

processor You only need to enter the data onceThe tool is responsible for dumping them into the application it is integrated with, It greatly simplifies the task and ensures that you can extract reliable, exportable, high-quality data. Duties such as accountability, public relations duties, transparency duties, or the preparation of statistics and research.

In this sense, we would like to emphasize that The new manager has three portals:The first one is the public portal. For the People The first one – accessible to the public – allows you to view the information published by the contracting organisation through its contracting profile. The second one is the private portal. For businesses -Accessible to users who have previously identified themselves and have the role of “bidder”.- The third is a private portal for users. Aragonese government official.

In the words of María Saldaña, Director of Public Procurement for the Aragonese Government, “The new tool will: It represents an improvement in the quality of services provided to the public through simplified and streamlined management. of public procurement files. Through greater transparency, efficiency and accessibility, we strengthen trust in institutions and promote more participatory processes. And it’s beneficial for everyone.”

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“The Aragonese Government’s Directorate General of Contracts, Assets and Organizations, dependent on the Ministry of Finance and Public Administration, has taken a step forward in its digital transformation strategy…”
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