HORECA Talks tackles trending topics in Lebanon’s ever-evolving hospitality and food industry

Google News

Google News HORECA Lebanon, which brings together the brightest stars, leading brands and most innovative concepts in Lebanon’s hospitality and foodservice sector, returns to Seaside Arena from April 16th to 19th.

The strategic meeting venue and networking platform features an area dedicated to HORECA Talks, a series of live panels tackling the industry’s most pressing topics, showcasing thousands of products and services to more than 19,000 trade professionals. I did.

Hosted by Hospitality News Middle East and Hodema Consulting Services, seven dynamic discussions were held in front of an enthusiastic audience.

Source of this program
“This ingredient is amazing!”
“Bringing together the brightest stars, leading brands and most innovative concepts in Lebanon’s hospitality and foodservice sector, HORECA Lebanon returns to Seaside Arena from April 16th to 19th. After HORECA Talks Our efforts are…”
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Source link: https://www.hospitalitynewsmag.com/horeca-talks-2024/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=horeca-talks-2024