How IRCC can tell if your job offer is genuine

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An employment offer can be a great support for your Canadian immigration application.

Obtaining an offer of employment and work experience in Canada is often a prerequisite for eligibility for many economic immigration routes. Additionally, having a job offer in Canada can help you secure employment. work permitwhich allows individuals to live and work in Canada before receiving it. permanent (PR) Status.

However, job listings can also be a vehicle for fraud and deception, and newcomers are especially susceptible to this deception.

To better determine whether an offer of employment is genuine Immigration Refugees and Canadian Citizenship (IRCC) has developed a framework to better understand document effectiveness. When evaluating employment offers in support of work permit applications, IRCC assesses:

  • An employer providing work is “actively engaged” in its business.
  • The job offer is consistent with the reasonable needs of the employer.
  • The job offer contains terms and conditions that the employer can reasonably fulfill.and
  • Job openings are from employers or certified recruiters who have demonstrated past compliance with federal and provincial regulations regarding employment in the province/territory in which the applicant will be employed.

IRCC also points out that the offer of employment must include the employer’s contact details.

Schedule a free work permit consultation with Cohen Immigration Law Firm

Google News Is the employer actively involved in the business?

Under this condition, IRCC will examine whether the organization offering employment exists legally and is capable of providing stable employment to the applicant. To determine this IRCC, assess whether your organization:

  • We are engaged in management business.
  • provide a product or service;and
  • The applicant must have a physical workplace in Canada.

IRCC personnel will then assess the employer’s “commitment” to the business by checking:

  • Business start date
  • Industry;
  • number of employed people;
  • total income; and
  • Main activities.

Officers will conduct a more detailed review if:

  • Business information raises concerns about active engagement (e.g., business is one year old).and/or
  • There is very little information publicly available about this organization (through internet searches and other means).

Google News Does the job offer match the employer’s needs?

IRCC officers must be satisfied that the offer of employment is reasonable within the employer’s business. The job for which the applicant is employed must be one that can be reasonably expected within the organization’s sector/industry.

In addition, the employer (if contacted by IRCC) must provide reasonable employment needs, both from an occupational (why this type of professional is needed in this business) and operational perspective, for the job for which it is hiring. You must be able to explain how you are covering this. (What is included in the job offered to meet the employer’s needs).

Google News Can the employer reasonably honor the terms of the employment offer?

The employer must be able to demonstrate that it can reasonably meet the terms and conditions stated in the employment offer letter, including working hours, wages, and benefits. You must also be able to provide the working conditions outlined in your offer and meet state and local standards.

If the examiner requires further information, they may request access to various legal and tax documents directly from the employer. This includes her T4 statements from her employer, workers’ compensation authorizations, business contracts, etc.

Google News Does your employer comply with employment and recruitment laws?

The IRCC must also assess whether an employer complies with employment and recruitment regulations, both federal and within the state or territory in which the organization operates.

Past or present violations of Canadian federal and provincial laws are considered at this stage.

The IRCC will also assess (if a recruiter was used to recruit a foreign national) whether the recruitment professional in the recruitment process was licensed at the time the offer of employment was issued.

Employers who fail to comply with IRCC’s requests for information may also have their applications denied.

For more information on obtaining a Canadian work permit, please visit our dedicated webpage. here.

For more information on what IRCC considers when evaluating employment offers as part of a work permit application, please visit IRCC’s webpage. here.

Schedule a free work permit consultation with Cohen Immigration Law Firm

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“An offer of employment can be of substantial support to a Canadian immigration application. An offer of employment and gaining work experience in Canada can be a prerequisite for many economic qualifications. It happens often.”
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