Immunity ruling means full employment for lawyers

Lately, there has been a lot of hand-wringing about total immunity for “official” presidential actions. Of course, the U.S. Supreme Court just left the definition of such actions up to lower courts, ensuring years, if not decades, of future employment for the legal profession. After all, isn’t that really what the so-called judicial system is all about?

First and foremost is this question: Is attempting to remain in office and/or wining re-election an “official” presidential action, or is it personal? I’m sure that the aforementioned judicial system will have a field-decade determining that!

One blatant example has been the “president orders the (Navy) Seals to assassinate a political rival” scenario. If the answer is now that everything a president does is “official,” then the courts have no jurisdiction. However, Congress does and can impeach the president; the victim’s family just can’t sue for damages!

There is an old, hackneyed saying, “The people get the government they deserve.” I have a bad feeling that this will prove distressingly true beginning Jan. 20, 2025, regardless of who wins in November.

Kenneth Newman, Pompton Plains

Who’s running the White House?

We have heard much from Democratic Party pundits regarding democracy being in peril.

What form of government is the United States under when its president clearly seems not to be in charge, and incapable of making strategic decisions?

And, a group of unknown, unelected party “handlers” are deciding who will replace Joe Biden should he not complete his re-election run. Even more concerning is that this “shadow government” may be making policy decisions for Biden and all Americans.

It is called “projecting” when you are committing the kind of acts that you are alleging to have been committed by the opposition. Had Donald Trump or any Republican been in office in Biden’s condition, there would be calls, and rightly so, to use the 25th Amendment, which permits removal of an incapacitated president.

Peter Leone, Bloomfield

Trump is the one who should leave

How is it that so many people are telling President Joe Biden that he should drop out of the race for president but, no one is suggesting that Donald Trump drop out?

Trump was convicted of 34 felony charges in New York, and has dozens of others pending.

Biden? Oh yes, he is elderly but, of course, he also has morals.

JoAnne Armstrong, Hillsborough

Keeping Biden in office is a disgrace

The so-called June 27 presidential debate looked like Rocky versus Pee Wee Herman.

Keeping Joe Biden in the White House one more day is a complete and utter disgrace. This is a man who appeared weak, failed to complete sentences, and mumbles, stumbles, and forgets what he’s going to say.

We cannot afford to have this man in Washington one more day, let alone four more years.

America needs Donald J. Tump.

I want Trump to bring security to America, world peace, economic security, cheaper gasoline and a secure border. And, let’s send the undocumented immigrants packing.

Let’s make America great again.

Joyce Crea, Ewing

Tell us what you REALLY think

New Jersey is a damn toilet bowl!

When I grew up in Woodbridge in the late 1970s and 1980s, it was great. People were friendly. School was great. We had a great time and everybody was neighborly. It was also affordable. And, most people knew how to drive.

Now, neighbors don’t speak. Everybody is angry and stupid. Car insurance rates are through the roof. Roads are bad. NJ Transit sucks and is overcrowded. And taxes are vile! It’s time to go.

Nothing, and nobody, will ever fix this horrible state; not even Bill Spadea (the conservative radio host who is running for governor next year). Goodbye!

David Alston, Woodbridge

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Immunity ruling means full employment for lawyers #Immunity #ruling #means #full #employment #lawyers

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Immunity ruling means full employment for lawyers:

Lately, there has been a lot of hand-wringing about total immunity for “official” presidential actio…