Kamala Harris to Propose Expansion of Small-Business Startup Tax Deduction – The Wall Street Journal

  1. Kamala Harris to Propose Expansion of Small-Business Startup Tax Deduction  The Wall Street Journal
  2. Kamala Harris to propose up to $50,000 tax deduction for new small businesses  Reuters
  3. Kamala Harris’s small business plan: A tenfold expansion of a key tax credit  Yahoo Finance

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Kamala Harris to Propose Expansion of Small-Business Startup Tax Deduction – The Wall Street Journal #Kamala #Harris #Propose #Expansion #SmallBusiness #Startup #Tax #Deduction #Wall #Street #Journal

Source link Google News

Source Link: https://news.google.com/rss/articles/CBMivwFBVV95cUxQYXdXUHU0VHprb20zMHNSRE5vQV91OU0xX3pfZUJGQU1oNTVnOWRqWl9RVXl2VU1oa3VzbHAxYUdDbzU3U0xBVFhrN3R6TlZnYmhCdEdhaW9TYmJaaUpweHB6V29OSmpiT3E0UUM3VEV1eGd3ZjBXZV9PYXhrQnpiTVRoR2ZkV1NaSGNPVnZnWnBWOHFkYWxBZkp1NzFCTjRoWW9oQW41cktCQkYzU3lodV9ub2F5LUlzZndXaEtSNA?oc=5

Kamala Harris to Propose Expansion of Small-Business Startup Tax Deduction – The Wall Street Journal:

Kamala Harris to Propose Expansion of Small-Business Startup Tax Deduction  The Wall Stree…