‎King Salman Airport terminal to kick off in 2026: Exec

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King Salman International Airport (KSIA) will open its terminal by 2026, Acting CEO Marco Mejia told Asharq News.

A runway will be launched in 2027, a new terminal in 2028, and the most prominent building in 2030, Mejia said, adding that the construction work will continue until 2034.

The necessary assets will be received by 2030 to welcome all visitors during Expo Riyadh 2030.

In November 2022, Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman announced KSIA masterplan to boost Riyadh’s position as a global logistics hub, stimulate transport, trade and tourism, and act as a bridge linking the East with the West, according to data available with Argaam.

KSIA is expected to be one of the world’s largest airports covering an area of nearly 57 km2, allowing for six parallel runways and including the existing terminals named after King Khalid. It will also include 12 km2 of airport support facilities, residential and recreational facilities, retail outlets, and other logistics real estate.

Source of this programme

“I be nuts about extensions, because they are magnificent.”

“‎ King Salman International Airport (KSIA) will open its terminal by 2026, Acting CEO Marco Mejia told Asharq News. A runway will be launched in 2027, a new terminal in…”

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Source Link: https://www.argaam.com/en/article/articledetail/id/1735349

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