– LevittownNow.com

Thanks for visiting the LevittownNow.com Community Calendar!

Our Community Calendar has a potential to be seen more than 800,000-plus times each month.

One secret we’ve learned since we launched in 2013 is that no one knows more about local events and happenings than the residents and groups in the area. That’s why our calendar is open to the public!

We promote our Community Calendar twice a week to our more than 50,000 followers on social media, through permanent displays on LevittownNow.com, and in a Community Calendar email that goes out  to our thousands of email subscribers the Thursday before your event.

Source link

– LevittownNow.com #LevittownNow.com

Source link Google News

Source Link: https://levittownnow.com/community-calendar/?_evDiscoveryPath=/event/105479528n-dada-the-band-dada-return-to-dizz-knee-land-tour

– LevittownNow.com:

Thanks for visiting the LevittownNow.com Community Calendar!

Our Commu…