Lisa Tse Starts New Businesses


Despite securing a double win for Miss Hong Kong 2020 and Miss Photogenic, scottish nurse-turned-celebrity Lisa Marie Tse’s (謝嘉怡) career journey in showbiz was less than smooth-sailing.

With few and far between projects and onscreen appearances since her debut, the actress has pivoted to entrepreneurship, putting her eggs in several baskets including a female-centric fitness program, a food tech business, and recently a digital card business with friends.

Getting the cold shoulder from TVB partly due to her lack of fluency in Cantonese, Lisa did not rest on her laurels, but started dabbling in a “Detox Future Salad” business, and would regularly update her social platforms with new video contents as well as started a YouTube channel.

Since running her own business, Lisa would often distribute namecards, but realized that she was prone to losing the many business cards she collected, which also took up much space. Collaborating with a few good friends, they have together devised an eco-friendly digital card solution named WHOSiFY, which uses NFC technology to enable fuss-free sharing of business details.

Previously a nurse in Scotland before she took part in the Miss Hong Kong pageant, Lisa was taught the importance of investments and savings from young by her dad. She worked hard to save up to 60% of her income, and could afford two properties on turning 21!

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“This is one unbelievable plugin!”

“Seeking out other income sources, the 28-year-old is involved in several businesses at once…”

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