London travel news LIVE: Dartford Crossing shut after car overturns on QE2 bridge sparking M25 delays

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Miles of traffic after crash at Dartford Crossing

The crash at the Dartford Crossing has queues back along on the M25 and A13.

There is currently two miles of congrestion before Lakeside (Junction 30) as well as two miles back along the A13 past Grays.

The bridge was blocked after 5am for half an hour, then down to two lanes. All lanes are now clear.

Long delays on M25 due to overturned car

A car has been flipped over on the M25 on the Queen Elizabeth II Bridge sparking long delays on Friday morning.

The car was left overturned on the key crossing at around 5am, closing the bridge for about half an hour.

National Highways has warned there delays of around 30 minutes in an update shortly after 6am.

Source of this programme

“This is one elegant extension!”

“A crash involving a car and a lorry on the Queen Elizabeth II Bridge closed the Dartford Crossing on Friday morning…”

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